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Monterey Bay or San Fran?
06-24-2009, 04:11 PM,
Monterey Bay or San Fran?
Anyone dove in Monterey or the San Fran area?  Any recommended shops to rent from?  We're looking to head out that way some time in Oct or Nov. 
08-30-2009, 06:29 PM,
Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran?
Yeah Buddy.

I have a friend in Pittsburgh, Ca who owns a dive store. Here is a link to his site:

His name is Les Wilkinson. His wife was my dive buddy during our Cavern Course at Ginnie Springs. I dove with him in Carmel Bay a number of years ago.

Dave Torry
St. Cloud
Dave Torry
Alexandria, MN
08-30-2009, 07:38 PM,
Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran?
I've heard from people who live in CA that Monterey Bay is best, But can't say from first hand experience.
The only thing I take seriously when it comes to diving is safety.
08-30-2009, 08:04 PM,
Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran?
Good Info to know.  Our trip out west has been postponed for just a bit due to change in careers.  But, I would love to dive off the west coast...eventually up around NW coast some day...

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