Monterey Bay or San Fran? - Printable Version

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Monterey Bay or San Fran? - flyboy65 - 06-24-2009

Anyone dove in Monterey or the San Fran area?  Any recommended shops to rent from?  We're looking to head out that way some time in Oct or Nov. 

Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran? - mcdiver - 08-30-2009

Yeah Buddy.

I have a friend in Pittsburgh, Ca who owns a dive store. Here is a link to his site:

His name is Les Wilkinson. His wife was my dive buddy during our Cavern Course at Ginnie Springs. I dove with him in Carmel Bay a number of years ago.

Dave Torry
St. Cloud

Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran? - Dragon Eye - 08-30-2009

I've heard from people who live in CA that Monterey Bay is best, But can't say from first hand experience.

Re: Monterey Bay or San Fran? - flyboy65 - 08-30-2009

Good Info to know.  Our trip out west has been postponed for just a bit due to change in careers.  But, I would love to dive off the west coast...eventually up around NW coast some day...