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Square Lake April 9th (if the ice is gone)
04-08-2003, 10:30 AM,
Re:Square Lake April 9th (if the ice is gone)
After the gear config at SD&T I drove out to Square Lake. In the darkness and with my headlights I hope (think) I say lots of open water along the shoreline by the boat landing.
I went and checked out Perch too and that seemed to be the same.
But I think I will wait till daylight today to get an accurate reading (thats usually the way its done...Right???)

So please be patient...I will get you all an indication for sure by this evening !!!
As of now , it appears to be partially open...

Thank you very much
Jean 8)
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Re:Square Lake April 9th (if the ice is gone) - by tcjtn0 - 04-08-2003, 10:30 AM

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