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What happens when you shoot a tank...
04-20-2005, 07:11 AM,
Re: What happens when you shoot a tank...
On a much smaller scale... I once setup a propane cylinder.. those ones that are thermos bottle size.. it was about 1/3 full yet.. I laid it at an upward angle, facing away from me, with the bottom end exposed.. hit the bottem end ALMOST dead center with a .22 cal rf and the cylinder took off like what a rocket looks like when it takes off and flew in an almost strait line about 20 yards.  cool
Cold and dark down there huh?

Messages In This Thread
What happens when you shoot a tank... - by gp - 04-19-2005, 05:10 PM
Re: What happens when you shoot a tank... - by freedivernd - 04-20-2005, 07:11 AM

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