What happens when you shoot a tank... - Printable Version

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What happens when you shoot a tank... - LKunze - 04-19-2005

Check this video out.  :o

Re: What happens when you shoot a tank... - freedivernd - 04-20-2005

On a much smaller scale... I once setup a propane cylinder.. those ones that are thermos bottle size.. it was about 1/3 full yet.. I laid it at an upward angle, facing away from me, with the bottom end exposed.. hit the bottem end ALMOST dead center with a .22 cal rf and the cylinder took off like what a rocket looks like when it takes off and flew in an almost strait line about 20 yards.  cool

Re: What happens when you shoot a tank... - javelindan - 05-02-2005

Pretty cool!  Amazing how tough the steel tank was...