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Our New Contest
01-16-2007, 03:50 PM,
Our New Contest
We've launched our newest contest to keep everyone busy over the winter.  Dust off those grey cells and put your noodle to work on this one.  The current issue of the SD news has a diving story containing a "few" inaccuracies.  Your job is to find all of the problems with the story and submit your answers to us.  The prize is - free registration for ALL Smith Diving fun dives and events for 2007.  This includes the Treasure Dive, All-Weekend Fun Dives, Discover MN Dives, U/W Pumpkin Carving Contest - all of them!.  We e-mail out our newsletter periodically to anyone who wants it.  If you would like us to send you a copy so you can get in on the fun, just e-mail and place "send newsletter" in the subject line.

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