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Crosby - May 24th-25th
05-23-2003, 08:27 AM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
I have to cancel. Family get together this weekend! Have fun you guys. Linda :'(
If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they are--Will Rogers
05-23-2003, 09:52 AM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Linda: Sorry you cannot make it.
I will be there by 9:30 AM on Sun. I have to work at 6:30 PM Sunday night , but I can get in a couple of dives , for sure!!!

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
05-23-2003, 07:01 PM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Are we the only two going? Notice that you have to be back by 4:30. I have to be back a little early Sun eve, too.
A proposal: instead of driving all the way to Crosby, how about going up to near Hinckley and diving Grindstone Lake. Michael told us about it Wed at Square. It's about 2 mile long, deepest spot about 150ft, stoney bottom and very clear. Easy access at boat ramps, etc. They ahve PortaPotties, etc, but no use fees.
The drive would be shorter, and from the sounds of it, viz and fish life should be very good. I'll get more info on Grindstone and post it.
What do you think?
Dan L
Dan L
05-23-2003, 07:59 PM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Grindstone Lake Info:
Jean - sounds like a good scuba lake and it's much closer than Crosby. Since we both need to get back early, how about Grindstone vs. Crosby.

Location: Just northwest of Hinckley, which is only about an hour north of the cities right on I-35N.
Max depth:153 ft.
Size: 2 miles N/S x 1/2 mile E/W axis - BIG!
Access: Public DNR access on NW tip of lake.
Vis: avg about 20ft - that's the disk test, so viz is really good!
Bottom: Gravel, sand, rubble bottom
Profile: Very steep drop off at boat launch - map indicates almost a wall from the ramp area dropping to 110 ft
Generally deep water near access point - 60 to 120ft
Fish: Minimal plant life at depth, but fish variety and counts look good
Dan L
05-23-2003, 08:01 PM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Dan, Eddie's dry suit is in so I am going up to Crosby tomorrow if you are interested--I know it is late. I can also join you on Sunday. Either Crosby or Hinckley(I'll need directions. Let me know. Paul
05-23-2003, 08:30 PM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Grindstone sounds like a lake I'd like in my back yard Smile
Cold and dark down there huh?
05-23-2003, 09:29 PM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Can't make Sat - lot to do at home. Glad you and Ed are getting out with the new ds. Bet he's anxious to finally be warm!
Waiting to hear from Jean on Grindstone vs Crosby. Basically, Crosby is too far for me to go cause I need to be home early Sun eve.
I have all parts for your light, so if we meet Sun, bring your old unit, I'll bring new stuff, and we can discuss finishing details.
Stay tuned.
Dan L
05-24-2003, 07:32 AM,
Little info about Grindstone for ya. The boat access on the N.W. corner of the lake is not on the shoreline. If you don't have a boat it's about a 75 yd swim out to the lake thru a fairly narrow channel. Also a creek comes into the lake thru this channel and last fall it looked mighty dirty to be swimming in. My buddy and I actually went back down the tar road to around the old barn location, stopped to ask homeowners if we could have permission to park right NEXT to the waters edge and shore dive from there. No problem they said. So the moral of my story is.....that is a much better starting spot than the boat landing, just ask nicely and I bet they'll let you go from there. P.S.: bring a light, gets mighty dark past 20'.

05-24-2003, 08:27 AM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Grindstone sounds fine!!! I have to send a note off to Jose too!!! He mentioned diving up at Crosby Tomorrow. I have to get a note off to him...
I will assume that if no-one posts anything that 9:30 is the meeting at the access. (IF I CAN FIND THE DARN THING!!!)
If someone has a better time/meeting place , please post!!!
Looks like with shops being closed tomorrow for holiday , its rent-air time!!!

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
05-24-2003, 11:30 AM,
Re:Crosby - May 24th-25th
Wow - thanks for the great access tip. This forum is great for sharing info...
Which direction to the farmhouse, please?
Also, looks like a road passes directly along the southern shoreline - think it's possible to park there and enter?
There's a steep slope, a 102ft hole and an underwater "peak" at that end.
Keep checking here - I'll try to get exact location, time, etc posted by this evening. Send me cell phone numbers by private message or post - we may need to co-ord by cell on final approach....
Going tomorrow:
Jean - 9:30 or 11
Jose - ?
Paul and Ed - 9:30?
Dan - 9:30
Anyone else? Michael - if you are out there - are you coming?

Thanks all,
Dan L

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