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ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
12-02-2012, 05:26 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

i don't know anything about this, it was just on my camera.
"The lake is running low on leeches. Dump a few more barrels in."
-John Calhoun
12-02-2012, 06:30 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
wheres the rest of the boat? did you do a lay out with GPS cord.
12-03-2012, 01:11 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Seeing as how John is updating the [glow=red,2,300]master dive plan[/glow]
in the warm,clear,blue water, I will update the thread:

As of 12-03-2012 the running totals are as follows:
Detectorguy (John)--------------------6 boats, 1 fish house, 1951 Oldsmobile, & 1967 Camaro
Shooter (Nate)-------------------------3 boats
lahrcm (Curtis)-------------------------1 boat and 1 dump truck
doug67 (Doug)-------------------------1 boat and 1 slightly used van (Van was removed but debris field remains)
AandA (Art)----------------------------1 boat
Max (Nates son)------------------------1 pontoon boat
Hydro (Joe)----------------------------1 boat
Popolarbear (Stephan)------------------1 boat
Trinity (Terry)--------------------------2 boat  :o
ArcFlash (Steve)-----------------------1 boat

12-03-2012, 06:31 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
                      Never found the rest of it Grump, shore dove, so no GPS coordinates, I pulled what I found.
                      Speaking of pulling what's found,,,,,,Nate and John,,,, lets see that Yellowtail! I suspect that hull would be much like this one was, as Joe and I tried to lift it (once drained and out of the water) and you could hear the fiberglass snapping, she would of snapped in two had he kept lifting, necessitating her being left where she was, for later salvage, of course.
                      Thanks Shooter for updating the list! Puts me back in the game!
                      Water on Tonka (and the mystery lake) where we found and left the hull hidden in the woods, for later salvage, (as you can see from the pics), was 36 degrees,,,,Brrrrr, cold as a witch's ti,,,,,it was, haven't gotten my ice hide yet, ohhh, but I will, I was cold enough I drove home with my drysuit on! I was shriveled up and small, not large, and in charge, like I normally am, after a couple icing temp. dives.
                      Made me think, (at 54 yo) I'm getting soft, and too old for this chit, I may need to go dive in a heated shack, with John and Nate,  :-*
Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet         952-201-3029  (cell)
12-03-2012, 06:46 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Good find! Was that Trinity's find or did he win "rock, paper, scissors" to mug with the fine vessel? I suppose a street address would work in this case instead of coordinates :Smile. Nate, I will stay out of the proposed search area until you get here, but I'll keep gathering Intel this week. The proposed search area looks like a real meat-grinder though with 4'-6' waves from the North for the last four days, and four cruise ships per day passing within a couple hundred yards... it will be challenging for sure. Seas are supposed to be less volitile in a couple days. I heard today that when The Royal Caribbean first came into the Port of Nassau, it was churning up sand. They saw a need to dredge the channel deeper (115' Deeper). While dredging the harbor, they found a Brittish war plane. A person just can't tell what your gonna find on the bottom. See you when you get here 8),         John
12-03-2012, 06:51 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-03-2012, 06:54 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

Life's too short to be miserable and uncomfortable... but who am I to teach an old dog new tricks. ;D
12-04-2012, 07:03 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
YellowFIN  Wink, nice find. Thought maybe team G was tossing in the towel Sad .

It is going to be a monumental search area, I will have the tow sled with speed up the grid search. We have always said, location, location, location. And the potential in this area is off the charts! 3 DAYS AND A WAKE UP! DIVE, DIVE,DIVE!

PS Terry,

there is nothing wrong with being comfortable when diving. It makes for a much more enjoyable time. It allows me to stay more focused on the task. Try duck taping hot packs to the small of your back(under drysuit layers  ???). Art showed me this trick, I love it! I know use this same technique with deer hunting. I get enough misery and suffering at work dealing with our weather. I get paid for that though. Nothing like drinking hot cider in the shack with grouper on the grill! Its like a sauna when you get out!
12-04-2012, 07:43 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Impressive. my boys are all yelling behind me. nice find!

...I know roughly were you areSmile

...yes i was cold this weekend also. not used to the temp yet....stef..

&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;
12-06-2012, 04:54 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Dive gear packed!  8)  ;D

Won't need any hotpacks  >Big Grin where I'm going. If I am really lucky, I will drive the yellowfin home. I can almost taste the lobster that will be grilling on the beach of some remote island. That will be a new version of shore lunch!

12-17-2012, 11:19 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
:'( no pictures to post of the yellowfin  :'(  2 hurricanes and not enough time. We had a blast looking though!

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