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ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
05-15-2012, 08:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-15-2012, 03:01 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Looks like the 1950's car is an Oldsmobile 4 door similar to this 1951 Oldsmobile 4 door. The chrome behind the rear side window is the same, the tail lights are the same, same rear wheel skirts, same back window, & same rear bumper.  8)

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05-15-2012, 09:00 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

The tiger sensed the good karma.  8)

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05-15-2012, 12:50 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-15-2012, 12:53 PM by popolarbear.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
ok as per terry permission.
and the ice divers code of conduct(what happens under the water stays under the water)
w44 55.806'
N93 32.277'

this is a personal fav of mine. i took the crew here to get out of sharp wind. great spot in open water as it out of traffic. has hard bottom all the way down. fast sharp break from 2ft sand to 29ft. great spot to see musky also.
Ive dove this spot several times and never saw the boat till terry found it. I think the boat is around 15ft or so depth. and sitting farther if your on the sharp dropping break of the structure its sitting towards the beach on a flat slow dropping portion of this area(away from the tip, and not towards big island).
boat is metal with motor still on it. looks 20's or older vintage. nothing else there.

in open water avoid going out farther on the bar as it goes out into the main lake,and the boats will come close if you do. in the back your basically safe as the shallow water is too close for boaters.

did i mention hard bottom and fish

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&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;
05-15-2012, 02:56 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-16-2012, 12:19 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
I don't know about that "Ice Divers Code" thing where "what happens under the water stays under the water"  ??? They may have lead you down a dark & scary path, but maybe it was just an initiation thing for Team Gilligan ;D. The notorious Trinity gets one on the books. I knew if we poked the bear long enough we would get him to wake from hibernation and liberate one of his secret dive sites. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to have the running total page to be several pages long... Smile
Here are the confirmed running totals as of today:
AandA (Art)-----------------------------1 boat
Shooter (Nate)-------------------------1 boat
Max (Nates son)------------------------1 pontoon boat
doug67 (Doug)-------------------------1 boat and 1 slightly used van (Van was removed but debris field remains)
Detectorguy (John)--------------------3 boats, 1 fish house, 1 car from the 50's, & 1 Camaro from 1967
lahrcm (Curtis)-------------------------1 boat and 1 dump truck
Hydro (Joe)-----------------------------1 boat
Popolarbear (Stephan)-----------------1 boat
Trinity (Terry)--------------------------1 boat
05-16-2012, 12:55 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Terry and I have few we could photo and post but it's not worth going back. We posted the lat/logs so anyone that wants to top the charts can get the numbers and claim for themselves.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
05-16-2012, 01:17 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Sounds like a mission for someone who wants to go for a dive and doesn't know where. Use the coords Trinity, ArcFlash, and Hydro have posted... take a photo of the wreck, and add it to the win column! I am not going to be the one to hi-jack your find, but it would be smart for someone to do it. Anyone on the board who wants to get in the challenge should grab the opportunity. Even with the coords given, its not always that easy to find these sites.
05-18-2012, 10:04 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
agreed, ive got another boat that i would eventually post, but  my coordinates are not close enough to find it. i know the boat is there. i know roughly within 200ft. but its tough to find. ive been back many times and it hides every time.
&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;
05-18-2012, 10:07 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

                               Popo wheres it at? ,,,,, and Steve and I will go find it, for you Wink

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Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; 952-201-3029&nbsp; (cell)
05-19-2012, 09:46 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-20-2012, 10:41 AM by Shooter.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
The bar has been set very high. Last weekend, I passed on an opportunity to turn another page in the [glow=red,2,300]master dive plan[/glow]. And you all witnessed the results! Two cars in one day! This provided some much-needed  motivation for this warm blue water diver, to rise to the location, and pull my fair share of the team load.  Big Grin

I took half the day off on Friday. I had a new outboard for my jon boat,The" River Rat" that was supposedly" fixed". I had visions of us diving out of this steady platform on Saturday, and hauling loads of treasure to our secret storage facility :-X. Fortunately on the test drive I went up river. So when the motor died I was able to drift back to the landing. This is the motor I have been trying to get going for the last two months.  >Sad

Plan B., John's trusty zodiac, and we launched on Skogman Lake at around 10 AM, and went back to continue searching in the area we assumed to be target rich. We had searched the area on a winter dive, but found no booty. I was first to splash in,  rolling out of the zodiac with military like precision(frogman), and started doing search patterns up and down the bank, from 25 foot to 10 foot. 20 minutes into the dive, I spotted it! An old flat back wooden boat, and I knew that the first-place loser category was mine! We continued searching the area and found a few miscellaneous trinkets, and anchors. We left the lake at about 1230.

N4534.139' w9309.593'    14' deep

A client of mine who lives on blue Lake, and is also a diver, told me that the water was very clear with approximately 20 foot of vis. We referenced the [glow=red,2,300]master dive plan[/glow], and only had a couple of footnotes on this lake, but with 20 foot of vis, we decided to give it a try. This lake was a lot busier than we were limited in the areas to dive. Well I guess we should have been at the lake earlier in the week, because the vis was only 4 to 6 feet. I was meandering about aimlessly, somewhat disappointed with the lack of structure,  pudding like consistency of the bottom, and poor visibility, when I saw an odd shape, looming in the ominous blackness. My sac rate started deteriorating rapidly! Could it be? Is the karma that strong? a fin kick later, and it was confirmed. The second wreck in one day! But I did not have the camera. I sent up a marker buoy, and waited for the author and architect of the [glow=red,2,300]master dive plan [/glow] and his trusty zodiac with my camera!

I will get the videos uploaded along with GPS coordinates by Monday.....
;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)

n4528.270 w93 29.938'
24' deep
05-20-2012, 05:24 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
is that the blue lake that is close to Itasca? or the Tiny blue lake near public access).
&quot;Dont make me wont win..&quot; wise words to the wife.<br />&quot;is it more important to protect the innocent, or Punish the guilty,That is, after all, why we punish the guilty&quot;

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