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Local Dive Clubs
12-29-2011, 10:00 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs

You're good John, thanks for your help!

Michelle, don't let John's wife see this.  She might think that something is up.. LMAO!  ;D Wink
12-31-2011, 02:08 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs
Michelle, don't let John's wife see this.  She might think that something is up.. LMAO!  ;D Wink [/quote]

LOL!!  heh, heh, heh...uh...oops... :-X  ;D
The farther back you can look, the farther forward you will see . . . Winston Churchill
12-31-2011, 08:22 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs

No problem, Sometimes its better to be lucky than good Smile
01-26-2012, 06:55 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs
Just in case you're still looking. 
&quot;Speak softly and carry a BIG stick&quot;<br />Teddy Roosevelt
01-26-2012, 09:47 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs
Thank you, yes I always keep my eyes open for local clubs, and as a matter of facts thanks for the advice, I'm already part of this club! Smile I joined in late fall, and havent gotten to dive with them yet, but sure looking forward to it! Thanks for the great advice though, are you a member?
Looking for dive buddies in the Twin Cities
01-27-2012, 07:35 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs
yeah I'm a member same boat as you joined late last year though haven't been able to participate in a dive either due to location or time (bummer).  Keeping an eye on their schedule though for any possibilities, seems like a decent group.
&quot;Speak softly and carry a BIG stick&quot;<br />Teddy Roosevelt
01-27-2012, 09:30 PM,
Re: Local Dive Clubs
I agree, since Im newbie Im limited to diving wet so until it gets a little warmer I wont, but once it warms up may-april Im excited to meet some fellow divers like you and just have a good time. Looking forward to it! Smile
Looking for dive buddies in the Twin Cities

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