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Let's just see Huh?
04-12-2008, 02:01 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?

Wasn't she on the Beverly Hillbillies?  ;D
04-12-2008, 04:13 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-12-2008, 04:15 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Cayenne hybrid? Now that is an oxy-moron if I ever heard one. Kinda like "military intelligence" or " Semi-dry wetsuit. Let me explain my thoughts: please note that I have the very most respect for people serving our country in the armed forces but military intelligence? Puh-leeeze! And the whole semi-dry wet suit? Thats like being semi-pregnant. There is no such thing. Now the Porsche Cayenne hybrid. That is wrong on so many levels that I don't know where to begin... Fast, expensive car that handles like its on rails... but wait... I cant afford to put petroleum in it... and now I think I need to plug it into the wall and charge up the batteries so that it might get up to the speed limit. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Oh and by the way with all the Germanic writing in this thread, do you all realize just how close our country came to speaking German after WW2? Thanks again to all you vets for doing what you did and my comment about the "military Intelligence" was directed towards military planning on a larger scale, than the men and women in the trenches.
04-12-2008, 06:41 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Hmmm, that's "Miss Jane Hathaway" not Anne.  Anne Rice on the other hand, is a very interesting the way that any casual (perverted) diver personality could enjoy!  I wish I could find an affordable car that gets good mileage and can pull a small boat!
Richie Kohlars is or will be soon diving in Thailand. 
Correct me if I am wrong, but Liu Zhenxing is the disssident who is imprisoned in China now and his wife is under house arrest due to protest over the handling of Tibetian Monks?!?!

I get out of my (diving world la, la, la) shell now and then and check out what's going on in the world.... ;D
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
04-12-2008, 10:30 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Well that's 7 in just one day and as I suspected the results show a strong cultural awareness quotient.  There are still a few others I am expecting to hear from though, including perhaps the hippest of all, maybe you're packing for Mexico.
04-13-2008, 01:02 AM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Well 1st of all, I may be the only person to have driven a CAYENNE on this board but fully expext to own one.. I have the winning powerballl ticket in my hand as I type. I think Miss Hathaway was really hot and Jethro doesnt know what he passed up. I think she and DQ are beauty queens, seconded only by MAX and the B.B.S. For the guy that lives in Foley, for a beer, I'll pick them up and drop them off,,, for a beer of course. The rest is benign, because all dive stores in this city rock. Except for 1.
Did any of you think of this? We are a small market town, that is a fact. Yet we have 18 very active dive shops. With the exception of one,  all outstanding stores. That is not a tribute to the stores, it is a tribute to all of us active divers. Will any of them get rich. NO. Nor will any of us. But I'm happy. Lets all of us do as much as we can to keep all of the stores in business.
04-13-2008, 09:06 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-13-2008, 12:07 PM by freedivernd.)
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Ok.. fine, I don't have time to google your culture.. maybe you have time to check into mine.. where do you guys live anyway?? geez.... :Smile  Wink ;D  culturally in tune??? with what?

Now, I'm sure some on here are much more inline with the true, culturally elite.
here's some things for the google search engine.. wssm, Fred Bear, Ray Chapman, Herbert Nitsch (had to add that one), Wayne LaPierre, bc, mildot... Ted Nugent (where did this guy come from.. some rock and roll star??), Whitetail Freaks

I did get a few outta the first post, but honestly.. I thought, Cuyenne Hybrid was some kinda fish at the Cuyuna Iron range, and maybe you spelled it wrong.  Crazy though when I think about it because my wife's sister drives a Cuyenne.. (but she wishes she had a Fit, I'm sure)

Thanks for the embrace though, I love ya all.
We gotta get those member reply numbers up.. come on!
Cold and dark down there huh?
04-13-2008, 03:49 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?

I spend too much time underwater and or planning to be underwater to be culturally aware of anything other than my remaining air pressure, bottom time, and or current search pattern. :Smile

I am glad that we have mnscuba. I have been able to connect and dive with alot of other divers. Thanks! Shooter humbly submitting his response
04-13-2008, 08:11 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-13-2008, 08:29 PM by DiverQueen.)
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Fred Bear brought archery to the masses.  He and his company mass produced bows that were easy to learn to use and hunt with.  Ted Nugent went from being only known for crazy on stage antics to being a icon in sport hunting.  I got his autograph on bowhunting bumper stickers!!  Too bad the pictures didn't come out  :Smile 

Obviously not the same Ray Chapman, lives around the corner, good mechanic too!

Nitsch is one of your world record holding freedivers!!  My husband woke me up Saturday morning to see a freediver spearing fish in the ocean off Costa Rica.... ;D
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
04-14-2008, 05:57 PM,
Re: Let's just see Huh?
I don't know about the rest of you but I can't keep track of all the world leader making headlines these days.

I followed the French election but somehow I missed Cecilia Sarkozy but I'll take two 8x10 and 6 wallet.  ;D

Hu Jintao's and the Korean guys, jong-il and Moo-hyun make sense but the middle east and all the power brokers all muddle together and I can't remember who's doing what.

Who can forget Castro but what's his brothers name again? Rafael or is that a Comcast ad?  How about the new Russian Pres. I followed that as well but be darn if I can remember the players. I remember the stories but that's it. Had Kasparov been allowed in I would have remembered.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
04-14-2008, 07:59 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-15-2008, 05:08 AM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: Let's just see Huh?
Talking about who is who in politics and cultural events reminded me of a story... about 10 or 12 years ago my dad had a stroke and was in a coma for 14 days. He came out of the coma and the neurologist was sitting there asking him questions to see what shape his mind was in, and whether or not he would need to go into an old folks home. The doc asked him if he knew what the date was. Dad looked around the room and saw the date written on the dry-erase board. Then the doc asked him who the governor was. Dad paused and said "You know... I never really cared for the guy so I never paid attention to what his name was." The doc listened to that and wrote something in his report. The doc then asked "Do you know who the President of the United States is?" Without hesitation dad said "Hillary Clinton." Thats when I knew dad was alright but I did whisper in dads ear not to mess with the doctor or the will put you in the home just for telling bad jokes.

A lot of the people you mentioned are people that "I never paid attention to what their name was" but they are important to some people I suppose. Maybe I'm selfish, but I try to pay attention to the people around me. These people that affect my life directly are at the front of my "attention" list and the others... well... Not so much.

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