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Dive instructors
01-29-2008, 11:40 AM,
Re: Dive instructors
As an instructor for 3 different agencies, I have had the opportunity to see the differences in philospohies.  Whether it be SSI, PADI, NAUI, SDI or XYZ is less important than the instructor.  Find an INSTRUCTOR you are comfortable with.  Maybe even one that is not biggoted that "their" agency is best but that has an open mind to learn from other instructors, other agencies.  Some may say NAUI is more academic or PADI is more 'you learn by doing'  oriented.  Whatever.    All the agencies want to produce SAFE divers. It's not the agency that is teaching you, it's not the dive shop that is teaching you.  It's the instructor. 
01-30-2008, 08:00 AM,
Re: Dive instructors
[quote='mcdiver link' pid='4290' dateline='1201546182']
Dive Captain Dean, what exactly are you getting at here?Not really getting at anything.  I was taking you for your word..your words said that all of your students dive backplate.

What are the other options that you speak of? Please be more specific. I was thinking of the way that 90+ % of the dive industry dives.  While i also personally sibscribe to the Hogarthian method of diving, i am painfully aware of the fact that i am still in the vast minority of divers.  The fact is, most divers do not dive with this gear configuration, and i think it is an instructors responsibililty to make sure that their students are aware of what they may find when they dive with other people in other places etc.

The bottom line is this, once you become certified and purchase your own dive gear, you will probably rig that gear the same way your instructor did, right or wrong. When you are a student, there is just so much information to absorb, you do what you know worked, and that is what your instructor did.  AGREED

There is no ISO Certification in scuba diving, is there really a set standard? We know that regulators should come over your right shoulder and under the arm. But guess what, there are BC's where their Octo is part of the inflator. Has that violated a standard?
..No---but it is one of those other options that your students should be made aware of.

The point is that during my dive classes, each student gear is rigged the same so that when you do the BWRAF, you know exactly where to look for the octo, the weight pouches, the buckles, etc...little confused here..please explain what your rigs look like..backplate..weight pouches..octos...they dont all go together in a usual backplate format...

It is a set standard that PADI has endorsed and if I do not follow these set standards, my liability insurance will not protect me. What the student does after leaving my class is his/hers business, all I can do is make recommendations to them, what has worked for me, and what is working for those divers I choose to dive with.

Please do not take this as a personal attact of any Instructor, I think you read-into the comment \"Since when is DIR an option?\" It was suppose to be taken as somewhat of a joke. I do not agree with everything they stand for, but hey, if it works for them, God bless them.
No, i didnt have concerns with this statement.  Like i mentioned, i dive Hogarthian( for the most part) and am certain that we most probably dive similarly.  What i had a problem with is an instructor making a statement like that and stating that all of his student dive back plates...

I don't need to hide behind anything, that is why my name and contact information is always posted on a blog.

Thanks Scubadoll

Oops Did I really say that?????
01-30-2008, 08:41 AM,
Re: Dive instructors
Hay you have not said if your comimg down here for the 2/23/08 show. did the big boat float or not? thats a long way to drive for coffee when your driving a hemi.
01-30-2008, 11:18 AM,
Re: Dive instructors
Sorry grumpie-
I do plant to make the show..i have a sick grandparent so as long as he holds up..i should be good to go.

re the big boat...last i had a patch on it..and i heard rhumor that it was being pumped out and cleaned..but i have a wheelsman trying to get the facts for me..Ill let you know
Oops Did I really say that?????
03-20-2008, 03:49 AM,
Re: Dive instructors
My only comment is to VERIFY for YOURSELF that the instructor is CERTIFIED to teach the CLASS!!!  Call PADI or SDI or SSI or NAUI. Don't trust your life to an uncertified instructor! 
03-23-2008, 02:48 PM,
Re: Dive instructors
Dudes,  IMHO I nominate for decapitation anyone who uses an acronym without defining it.  Joke, but puleeze write so your Mom could figure it out. 
03-23-2008, 03:05 PM,
Re: Dive instructors
which ones have you stuck clif..we can certainly bring you up to speed...

BWRAF-  this is your predive checklist prior to descent according to PADI

the others that i saw mentioned are training agencies...

PADI, TDI, SSI, NAUI an approach to diving..sometimes controversial..that includes very specific equipment configurations, specific gas management practices, specific protocol and conditioning.  A very good overall view of diving..some feel a bit CULT LIKE..given its good name because most of it makes perfect sense..given its bad name because of the over inflated heads and egos of some of its subscribers..

Oops Did I really say that?????
03-23-2008, 07:00 PM,
Re: Dive instructors
whats IMHO ?
03-23-2008, 07:01 PM,
Re: Dive instructors
In My Humble Opinion
03-23-2008, 07:05 PM,
Re: Dive instructors
Thanks lonnie, this old age is rough on us old people. Its kind of like text messaging

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