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New Dive Shop in Town
07-26-2006, 02:43 PM,
New Dive Shop in Town
Sunday  7/30/06, Gander Mtn  will have dive instructor at the holiday station in Crosby for a fun dive. any diver that makes a dive will get a  air card for ten dives free. you must sign the instructors log sheet. not a bad deal,
40.00 dollars worth of air.  [ If and when we get the air compressor up and running, they will also have nitrox 1 and 2 , if you are certified.
PS Breakfast at Heartland cafe at 8:00 and 9:00 at the station
07-26-2006, 03:34 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
sounds like a sweet deal!  (glad I'm planning to be there  Wink )

any thoughts on what dive sites yet?
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!
07-27-2006, 09:51 AM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
You are giving away air fills but you don't have a compressor up and running? 

I mean to criticize here because gander doesnt seem to be supporting the local diver at all.  No compressor, no 7mm suits, no classroom, no pool, and when I was in there, there wasn't even someone who dives even around.  We walked around for 20min and no one even offered to help. 

Is it me or are these guys just "pretending" to be dive shop to get you in the door to buy equipment that their florida store is peddling? 

I go to a dive shop for support, expertise, professionalism, safety, training, and who will work with me on getting me set up with the right gear for my needs.  Service.  None of which seems to be had at gander.  Calling it a dive shop is a pretty big stretch of the english language.

Its like dd came in to gander because gander needed to cover some of their cost with their stock going into the toilet.  DD threw a bunch of gear on the showfloor and said good luck and be sure to send a check each month to florida.  I think gander and the local diver who gets no support is getting screwed on this one.

Diving in crosby in a gander 3mm shortie, good luck.  :Smile
07-27-2006, 10:14 AM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town

Don't forget to get one of thier fancy spearguns!  Big Grin
07-27-2006, 10:32 AM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
I didnt happen to see any sign near the spearguns, except the price tags you know, with the state law on illegal game fishing?  Maybe they could start out easy with one says "all the carp you can eat"? 

Ahhhh, just buy one, it will 'warm your heart' when you are at 90ft in your shortie!
07-27-2006, 11:28 AM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
Funny, I have been the store alot and I don't recall you,  but then I don't go jumping on people looking at masks and spear guns. Most dive shops will let you look all you want and not bother you.
If you have nothing to complain about, it takes all the fun out of shopping. About the air compressor, I was up front and truthful about it. And with this you now have some to real complain about.
dive instructor AKA grumpie.......,.
07-27-2006, 12:03 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
What type of spearguns do you stock?
07-27-2006, 01:52 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
Don't know the name, because I'm not interested in them. nice shiney ones with rubber bands. I agree they are not needed in mn. But then why do we go to to square lake with cylns that have nitrox labels on them? Is a macho thing or what?
07-27-2006, 02:34 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-27-2006, 03:47 PM by LKunze.)
Re: New Dive Shop in Town
Just because the tanks have a big nitrox sticker on them doesn't mean they can only have nitrox in them.  The labels aren't needed even if you put nitrox in your tanks which is what I and most divers I know do.  As long as you analyze and label the tanks with the tank contents on a piece of tape they are fine.  As far as it being macho to have the stickers... personally I think they are rather fugly myself. Tongue
07-27-2006, 02:41 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop in Town

So, apples being apples, based upon the above statement,  Spearguns and Nitrox have no value for diving in MN??

What types of gear selections are the employees at Gander interested in, So I can direct any questions without wasting my time.

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