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Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
05-10-2006, 02:33 PM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
I just got back from a quick daytrip to Perch Lake in Houlton Co. Wisconsin.  Beautiful vis, about 15 feet, bunches of fish, a loon or two.  It's a very picturesque site!  A wonderful, very relaxing dive.  Going back soon!
My name is Lisa and I'm a SCUBAholic. It's been toooo long since my last dive!
05-13-2006, 01:48 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
Nassau, Bahamas
One of the duals on the creaking old bus blew out on the rough ride from the pier to the dive center.  Since the driver didn't even raise an eyebrow,  I got the feeling we were in a very relaxed place.  A dozen fun people on a dive boat made for 24 was a real bonus!

We finned past the shark feeding station on the way to the wall.  After  being ignored by a continuous spattering of sea creatures,  we dropped down the wall.  Motionless at 97',  busy watching small creatures within 3 feet of the wall, checking my buddy, and grinning around my reg,  I realized I could stay there for days, logical considerations aside.  When I motioned to my dive buddy to ascend,  he hesitated.  In the 60 to 90 seconds it took to convince him to follow the plan (narced?, or waiting for me to see what he saw...)  hundreds of reef sharks flowed by us........
We ascended slowly up the wall,  seemingly invisible to the sharks.  Shark feeding was in progress as we made our way back to the boat.  My navigation was impecable,  but being able to see the prop on the boat from 50 down and 100 plus feet away may have simplified that task.....

    Coral stretched up 20 feet from a forty foot sugar sand bottom to make my  second dive of the day just as memorable, seeing things I had not even dreamed of.
      I trudged back to the ship carring my wet gear, easily twice as heavy as on the walk to the dive.  This made the half-mile walk seem miles longer.  As I neared the ship,  I began to wonder if my tired, aching legs were a sign of something sinister or simply less than ideal physical conditioning,  but decided to rinse the gear and then re-evaluate.
I was very relieved when I removed the lead from my integrated bc.  Sadly, there was no time to return all the lead to the shop, since I surely  would have been "bent"  Bent over with a hat low over my reddened face.

My bride had been "tasting" liquor samples in the duty free shops in Nassau,  and reached the ship with her "booty" just as I hung up the freshly rinsed gear.  Following my limited training to the best of my ability, moderate post-dive exercise and a rest period followed, including sufficient liquids....I think that is a trip that should be experienced by all......... 
Non-divers seem so,  well,  shallow.
05-16-2006, 03:37 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
Great story Bill.    It really motivates me to keep diving.  I now need  to see  hundreds of sharks at the same time. 

I have been on shark dives  and shark feedings at  Stuart Cove's.  that was my best dive of all time. 

But I will add one more ..... it was my first night dive, in the bahama's and we were just dropping in the water.    Surprisingly you could see lots of things, and pretty far away.  Lights going back and forth from all of the divers.  My dive buddy  Brian H. had a super bright HID light.......  I could see a shark coming right at me from over 100 feet away.  This was the first time I had ever encountered a shark.  I must honestly say,  it was beautiful and I was not one bit frightened.  As the shark kept coming right at me in a slow rymthic swim, it then turned at the last 5 feet and vered off to my right.  That was very cool.  Since then  I've been hooked.  I watched for about 30 seconds as that beautiful animal was coming at me and I was so happy that my first night dive gave me that experience.


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