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Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
08-21-2002, 07:29 AM,
As I type this I'm slamming some OJ... I felt a soar throat last night and this morning I'm really plugged up. :Smile Gonna try every home remedy I know to get rid of whatever this is.<br><br>ARGH!
08-21-2002, 07:55 AM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Chris,<br>Nothing worse than getting a cold/sick before a big dive. Sad I equalize my ears all the time (even on dry land) and I can tell 3 days in advance when I'm going to be stuffed up just by how easy or difficult it is to do.<br><br>Lot's of C, lot's of rest, maybe some green tea. Have any of grandma's old recipes? Rub down with Vic's, a hot pack with menthol (and I don't mean cigarrettes). Good luck.<br><br>One of my biggest fears is showing up for a day of diving with new acquaintances and then not being able to dive because of a cold. Kinda like, if you speak the speak, then walk the walk. Trying to equalize so quickly and upside down besides, you have to be healthy. So far, so good.<br><br>Fred
Cold and dark down there huh?
08-21-2002, 11:09 AM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Chris,<br>Hope all is better with you. If you don't make it then you can always come to Perch with me on Sunday.<br>For those of you that are interested I am putting a link to a photo of me taken just after I got in the boat on Sunday after the 2nd dive.<br>In the background is the beach for the madiera and you will notice, just to the right, a figure in yellow on the rocks. That was the guy in the dry suit that was in difficulty. Just to the right of him by the waters edge is his equipment. Judge for yourself. That was a fairly calm day, a little windy and the waves were approx 3-4 feet.<br>Please ignore the pic of me...I look like a goof ball ( no comments please ;D)<br><br>
A bad day of diving is still better than a good day at the office............
08-21-2002, 11:46 AM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
How did the Isotherm hold up on the dive? That's what I'll be wearing. Thinking about purchasing a vest to wear underneath for a little added warmth in the chest area.
08-21-2002, 01:06 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Mark,<br>You don't look like a goofball - looks like you're having a blast!<br>But, hey - is that a British flag behind you? It isn't the stars'n'stripes!<br>Dan
Dan L
08-21-2002, 01:31 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Chris,<br>The suit was fantastic ;D my hands and feet froze, but I can handle that. All I need now is semi dry gloves and boots.<br>The first dive on Sunday I came out dry, apart from knees and elbows, the 2nd dive I was slightly damp on the left side of my body, I did wear a T-Shirt for that one to see how dry I could be. I wore a 0.5mm skin each time. You just have to experiment with the seals to get it right for you. Did you get the hood also? I found that to be perfect also Big Grin<br><br>Danl.<br>Actually they are Dive flags LOL, so you can see just how much wind there was, and how it affected the waves.<br>Hope to see you tonight.<br>mark<br>
A bad day of diving is still better than a good day at the office............
08-21-2002, 01:39 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Yeah, I have the hood too. A skin would be a good idea for sure.
08-21-2002, 01:47 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
There were a couple of people using 7mm suits and they were COLD, I did notice it on my body but hands and feet mainly. I have used a skin for most of my dives, not only provides a barrier between you and the water but also helps you in and out of the suit :-)
A bad day of diving is still better than a good day at the office............
08-21-2002, 01:55 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Yeah, I mainly only wear special socks... seems to help keep the feet warm. Looking forward to the dive, I'm feeling better now...must have been a morning thing. (Whew!)
08-21-2002, 02:42 PM,
Re:Superior, Maderia- Aug 24th
Jason, I have a 6pm hold on the room, so we can decide Fri. night if we want it, if worse comes to worse, I have can sleep in my truck tent that hooks on the back hatch of my old Fj-60<br>Also, are you interested in car pooling? If we meet on Fri afternoon sometime?<br><br>I have three 80s and two 50s, so what ever you fellas think we might need just say the word.<br><br>Cool photo Mark, looks like quite a swim from shore, I hope I can handle it. Would you suggest a rest stop at the buouy before submerging? (I'll probably need one)
&quotOh Honey, your'e gonna like this&quot
Ray &amp B

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