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Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
03-01-2006, 01:08 PM,
Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
Well, I finally broke down and did the "Grand Traverse" at Peacock Springs.  It ended up being about a 4800 ft swim.  My dive buddy, Konstantine (a Russian guy from Utah) and I went from Orange Grove to Challenge sink to Olson sink, down pothole tunnel and ended up at Peacock I.  It was mainline the entire way.

We validated Peacock I to Olson and Orange grove to Challenge, but hadn't validated Challenge to Olson.  So, we both carried aluminum 80 stage bottles and breathed those down from Orange to Challenge.  How much gas we had at Challenge determined if we would keep going or call the dive and go back.  We had enough gas, so we calculated thirds and went on to Olson Sink and then onto Peacock I.  With our stops at the sinks, the entire dive took close to 3 hours.

We had PLENTY of gas to complete the dive.  I had 600psi left in my 80 at Challenge (started w/ 3,000), and I started w/ 3,000psi in my backgas (twin 108's) at Challenge and ended the dive with about 2,000psi.  So, next time I probably won't carry a stage. 

It was a nice dive to do once, but don't feel like I'd do it again anytime soon---too much swimming!!!

-Stacy Dreher
03-01-2006, 01:24 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-01-2006, 01:39 PM by LKunze.)
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
Sounds like it would have been nice to have a scooter on that dive.
03-01-2006, 09:30 PM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
That sounds so sweet Smile Anything catch your eye?
03-01-2006, 10:47 PM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs

They don't allow scooters in the Peacock system any longer.  I was diving in Peacock back in 2001 just before they stopped allowing scooters.  For the most part divers were respectful, and well trained, but I saw many scars in the clay where scooters had dug in.  There was too much damage being done.

You're right though, Peacock would be a great cave system to scooter in.  Fairly large main passages, and miles to investigate!

Congrats Stacy!  I thought about doing the Grand Traverse when I was down in Jan, but we didn't get to Peacock for too many dives.

Jeff Leech
03-02-2006, 10:38 AM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
Thanks Jeff!  Yes, next time you're down, you should do that dive.  My only suggestion is either wear a wetsuit or have a pee-valve!!

Michele, I didn't see anything too extraordinary, some of the rooms from Challenge to Olson were so large I couldn't see across them, they reminded me of Eagles Nest.  However, visibility was down from all the rain, so maybe they weren't that large....
03-03-2006, 10:06 PM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
Do you ever worry about cave ins? How many dives do you need for intro to cavern? I know it's early but what trips do you have planned for next year(as I'm bidding vacation in two weeks for 6/06-5/07)? And what did you do about the pee valve problem?  Wink
04-05-2006, 12:17 AM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs
Nope , no scooters in ANY Florida State park caves...Ginnie allows them , of course...

Er , don't use a dry suit ... (dive wet) -or- use Depends  ;D ;D ;D

And I am doing my Apprentice class this weekend  :o
It's time to get out of Intro mode ...
Ya know , us old ladies move slow ...  Wink


P.S.  Congrats on the Grand Traverse ... I have done sections of it ...
(1000 feet up Upper Orange )
(P1 to 600 feet past Olsen...)
Now that Challenge section ... well , that's for a later time Big Grin
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
04-05-2006, 07:24 PM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs

Hi Jean.  I'm pretty sure Manatee still allows scooters.  - Kirk
04-06-2006, 02:56 AM,
Re: Grand Traverse-Peacock Springs

And how would you know that???   ;D
I'll check on that for you btw...
I know Manatee keeps changing their policies from time to time so you might be right.

How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH

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