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Cheap dive travle??????
10-24-2004, 12:26 PM,
Cheap dive travle??????
Is there any place that specializes in cheap dive travle? I would love to go with one of the local shops but I can't afford the all inclusive dive trip, I am looking for a live in a rat hole and dive alot type vacation. any one know of such a thing.

10-24-2004, 05:31 PM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
I think you will have to put together your own package for that kind of trip. "Rathole" doesn't look good on brochures.

Pick where you want to dive. Call a dive shop there tell them what you are looking for and maybe they can recommend something.
10-24-2004, 08:22 PM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
perhaps rathole was a bit descriptive and would not atract the type of attention a trip organizer is looking for but you get the picture budjetell and eat fast food on your own.

organize my own????

The next question would be am I the only one interested in this type of trip?

what do you think any one interested if I do the leg work?

10-24-2004, 09:57 PM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
Cheap is relative, but, here's an idea. A trip to Playa del Carmen in Mexico.

Fly to Cancun. Take a bus to Playa del Carmen. I think it's about $5 for the 40 mile trip. Stay downtown. Lot's of hotels and restaurants, including fast food. You are walking distance to several dive shops. No need for vehicle. Your dive options are: the reefs near PDC, taking a ferry boat to Cozumel and dive there or arrange with a PDC shop, or the cenotes south of PDC, again the local shops can do these as well.

Another option, would be to fly directly to or ferry from PDC to Cozumel for your stay. Usually flying directly to Coz. costs more than flying into Cancun. The ferry is about $17 round trip.

Good luck!

10-24-2004, 10:51 PM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
If you really want to dive yer tail off you need to do a liveaboard. You could easily do a week long liveaboard in the Bahamas for under $1500.

Another option is to team up with a couple buddies and road trip down to Florida. You could do a full week of shore dives and charters for less than $1k.

Last option is to fly to Vancouver with a couple buddies, rent a car, and stay at one of the regional dive resorts. With a favorable exchange rate and decent airfaire you could spend less than $1500 for the week.

Note that some dive locations are difficult or expensive to get to unless you are with a bigger group.
10-25-2004, 07:50 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-25-2004, 07:52 AM by tpscuba.)
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
When you say cheap how cheap? Give me a ball park figure.
I have a group out now on Lost Island Voyages live a board 1200.00 air, all meals, and 4 to 5 dives every day if you want.
Another way is to dive the keys, say at Penticamp Park and dive local. I also have a couple of friends that do a rent a dorm style with five others and dive both boat and shore for a week for around 600.00
I also have a British Columbia trip for June 5th everything plus air to Vancouver for 1095.00
10-25-2004, 09:02 AM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????

And where/when are you thinking???

Just did two Florida Keys dives (Key Largo). Cost for two tank dives ran about $60.00. Multiply by five days, $300 for 10 dives. Included air (nitrox was $14 additional!) and weights. You can save by shore diving but you miss out on some of the nice wrecks.

If you shore dive, you can save a lot of money... but you better do your research!

I know of a few divers going to Missouri to dive Oronogo (a deep pit with some cavern/caves and lots of POI such as an airplane and other 'junk') this December 9th through 12th. Includes transportation, a place to stay and some meals. I think we get in 6-7 dives... Cost: $399.99 + 'Waffle House' breakfasts... If you want more information, email me.

'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy
10-25-2004, 12:10 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-25-2004, 06:01 PM by freedivernd.)
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
Doug, My wife and I have packed the tent and all the freediving gear, stayed at a nice campground south of PDC in mexico.. dive shop and restaurant right there.. diving and cenotes right there, not far from town or main road.. I saw tickets outta the cities to cun for $250 a few days ago.. had to leave on oct. 27th.. I just couldn't get away or wife and I would be on our way.
Cold and dark down there huh?
10-27-2004, 08:13 AM,
Re:Cheap dive travle??????
There are some good ideas here, I have kind of run with the idea of setting up my own trip to coz. I am finding good cheap places to stay and dive but am still trying to find the cheap flight to go with it. I dont have a lot of flexability with my job to go at the drop of a hat. will keep youposted

11-01-2004, 01:50 AM,
Re:Cheap dive to cancun
Hi Doug. I just heard of cancun trips flying out of fargo in
Jan- Feb and Mar for $700 per person for air and hotel. Tack that on to some good shore diving ala FreediverND, you should do pretty well.

If my wife can get out of work, I'll be going, likely in March.
Non-divers seem so,  well,  shallow.

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