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Teeth Problems Underwater
08-22-2004, 04:03 PM,
Teeth Problems Underwater
Hello, this fall my brother, dad, and I are planning on taking the step to become certifed after doing a few resort courses on past vacations. My brother has done two resort courses before, and on the most recent one he had some problems with his teeth. After starting our descent from the boat his teeth immediatly started hurting and at one point felt like they were going to literally fall out. This dive was just to about 30 feet. His teeth problem completely took the fun out of his dive and made him a little leary with wanting to dive again. Does anyone know what would cause this pain in and around his teeth? Is it common and easily treatable?

Thanks a lot
08-22-2004, 04:34 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
Upper or lower??

If they are uppers they could be sinus problems. When mine are acting up I feel it in my teeth. Or, they could be small gaps of air in the filling.

Lowers would probably air spaces in the tooth- most likely from a cavity or filling.

I go to a dentist who is also part of the diving dentists society. Even when I moved to a new city, 70 miles away, I still make sure to go back to her since I know I know for sure I can trust her.

When I did my instructor course one of my room mates actually blew a filling right out while on a dive. He was in a LOT of pain, which he deadend with a bottle of Jack Daniels until he could get into see a dentist.

I know that my dentist has had to do some emergency dental work on divers while diving in the South Pacific- it seems that some fo the divers on the live aboard were doing 250' bounce dives and one imploded a tooth.

Hope that helps.

"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." -Charles Darwin
08-22-2004, 05:14 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
Definitely a topic for another forum, but 250' and Bounce Dive should be illegal to have in the same sentence let alone to actually dive it.......I hope she yanked it without any pain meds or novacaine...just to teach a lesson
Oops Did I really say that?????
08-22-2004, 05:57 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
Okay, my brother has never had any cavities before and it wa shis upper teeth, so it must have been his sinuses than.

Also I'm just curious......but what's a "bounce dive"

Thanks again
08-22-2004, 06:33 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
bounce dive: usually means diving down, hitting maximum depth with no bottom time and returning to the surface.
Cold and dark down there huh?
08-22-2004, 07:33 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
Bounce Diving tends not to be a very smart undertaking. It usually involves a diver that is mearly trying to hit a number on his or her computer/ or log book. They dont belong as deep as they are going, and there is a pretty good chance that they dont have anything resembling the correct equipment to do such a dive. Listen..many of us have dove past our certification levels...I am guilty....but there is a certain level of understanding and preparation that needs to go along with such dives. If something were to go wrong with someone on a bounce dive, there is a decent chance that they may not be prepared to handle it. I have been found guilty of it, but I dont condone diving past your certification level. Bouncing is usually the worst of the worst as divers are usually unprepared and unequipped to handle any problems at bouncing down to 160ft on a 80cube aluminum tank..half way through your cozumel wall dive...
Dont take offence......its just my 2cents

Oops Did I really say that?????
08-22-2004, 07:38 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater

Just so you know, your main boss has done bounce dives to 289' and then had to go and buddy breath with everyone else on the way back up so he could finish his deco- since he ran out of air. Wink

Bounce dives are NOT technical dives.

"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." -Charles Darwin
08-22-2004, 08:23 PM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
NOW I know what a bounce dive is... I have to get more into this scuba thing eh? I shoulda said " I think it means" :Smile
Cold and dark down there huh?
08-23-2004, 07:15 AM,
Re:Teeth Problems Underwater
Naw, you were also pretty much right on the money as well....

you will have to privately let me know who you are talking about re. BOSS. I am self employed, and i know my wife has not done this. I may be able to guess who you are talking about, but there is no affiliation.
Oops Did I really say that?????

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