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07-16-2004, 02:43 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-16-2004, 02:44 PM by jasondbaker.)
I'm taking a much needed vacation to the Bahamas all next week. I'm staying onboard the Shear Water liveaboard based in West Palm Beach. We are crossing over to the west end area on Sunday and diving on the reefs, swimming with dolphins, and checking out the sharks. I'll post a full report when I get back.
07-16-2004, 05:37 PM,
Have fun been there a lot it is great diving Will be waiting for your feed back
07-16-2004, 09:17 PM,
I'm jealous man. Can't wait to read your dive report when you return! Wink
07-26-2004, 05:19 PM,
Hey everybody I'm back!

I can't even begin to describe how amazing this trip was. I'm working on a full trip report and I should have incredible pictures to show within a week. I'll just tease you with a couple previews: 84deg water, 150+ ft vis, sharks every dive, loggerhead turtles, bottlenose dolphins, spotted dolphins, spear fishing, lobster hunting, remora attacks, petting octopus, sting rays, moray eels, wall dives and more.

The Shear Water is an incredible bahamas liveaboard and for the money cannot be beat. Stay tuned for a full report!
07-26-2004, 07:48 PM,
So what was the cost of this trip and what did it include and what type of boat? Where did it sail out of in Florida. I take it that you have sailed with the other operators out of Florida what didn't you like about them in comparison to Shear Water. We are looking at doing either a Black Beards or Lost Island Voyage Exploration Trip.
07-26-2004, 09:37 PM,
The boat ride was $1295 and included all meals, snacks, drinks. Bahamas tax was $40. Tanks, weights, air fills included. Nitrox is $100 extra for the week. My flight to West Palm Beach was around $250. You could probably charter the whole boat for around $10k (they only take 12 passengers max). I have not done a Black Beards but some of the other passengers had. Their comment was basically imagine "half the boat with twice the number of people". I'll have more details about the boat, crew, and diving in the full report.
07-26-2004, 11:26 PM,

Gads Jason , now that we are all so EXTREMELY ENVIOUS. :'(
I am so glad you had an awesome time!!!
Looking forward to your report... ;D
(150+ ft viz...wowza)

Jean Smile

P.S. But we did dive with Lonnie on his birthday so at least we have THAT going for us... Wink
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
07-27-2004, 07:44 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-27-2004, 07:47 AM by tpscuba.)
That is a good price not bad for airfare either. Was this a sail boat or motorized boat? I"ve done Black Beards (22 people, have sailed with eight) and Lost Island Voyages (12 people) This one we take the whole boat and are offering it at $995.00 plus air (going last week of Oct.) These both include everything like your boat. Between the 2 I would take Lost Island.
An answer to Hochi's question I've done the exploration trip they are fun and they go to areas other don't to check things out because of the sailing time. You will loose 2 dives because
because of this but the price is half the cost of the normal trip so around $500.00 to $600.00 I'd do it in a heart beat
07-27-2004, 09:36 AM,

Motorized boat -- twin diesel engines -- cruising speed of 10-15knots. We cruised to a new location after every dive. I did 24 dives in 5 days.
07-27-2004, 09:51 AM,
Are they rebreather friendly?
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy

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