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Square Lake platform lines
05-05-2004, 04:06 PM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
Hey whatever Dirk. I'm not going to argue with you about it, everyone's got an opinion. I still don't think it's an issue. The area in question is far enough out from the boat dock and any boating buoys if there are any out there for it to not be an issue but that's ok. Not everyone dives Square and for beginners to get to know where things are at with a line or if the viz is bad no big deal. They can at least follow the lines to each platform and make it back easy.
In any case at least we know not to lay anymore line out there since we all know who'll be cutting em'. Wink While we're at it maybe we should cut all of the lines then. :Smile
05-05-2004, 04:12 PM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
That's fine with me. I and many others have been navigating those platforms without lines for years!

05-05-2004, 07:57 PM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
I think theres a song about this thread:

&quot;Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It’s what separates us from the animals…except the weasel. &quot;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Homer J. Simpson
05-05-2004, 09:18 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-05-2004, 09:40 PM by FMT.)
Re:Square Lake platform lines
Sounds like a troll to me. :-*

As for the Wilson, that wreck is dove by boat which should display the diver down flag as well as the alpha flag. Real boaters (like those in 1000 footers) know the rules of the road. Check out for diving the Wilson.


Safety first, ego last, actions speak louder than words or c-cards.
05-06-2004, 12:10 AM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines


Dirk- the line is not put there for the ones like you who KNOW ALL- it is for the ones who don't dive Square all the time. I have been diving since 1982, and I don't know where every platform is at Square. Excuse me if I am not as all-knowing as yourself Dirk!
05-06-2004, 07:32 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-06-2004, 07:33 AM by Maka.)
Re:Square Lake platform lines
Could'nt someone put a sign on one of the platforms that gives a compass heading?

It would give people practice at UW Nav, save some line, keep someone from cutting the line. Just a thought.

A line would also be ok with me.
05-06-2004, 07:37 AM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
I think the compass heading idea is great!

...Now, no switching those signs around everyone Wink ;D

I'm sure the pole out there would look a little like the M.A.S.H. sign - that could be kind of fun.

Getting all of us to start relying upon our compasses much more would be a great idea in my opinion. good examples for other divers who show up there for the first time also.

Hey, something positive can come from this.
05-06-2004, 07:49 AM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
Hopefully no one cuts the lines between the platforms. Having worked with Basic OW students out there , those lines give them a comfort level navigating between platforms. Just my humble 2 cents worth! Now as far as compass heading between platforms , kind of a neat idea actually!!!

How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
05-06-2004, 07:59 AM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
The only problem with this is the ever changing location of stuff at Square. I think some classes practice on lifting the bigger objects and some divers take the smaller stuff. I know there is stuff out there I haven't seen yet. The maps I have seen never seem to be accurate or complete.

Is Square an actual "scuba training area"? I know there are signs at the public park but I guess I do not know what the difference is between a lake and a scuba training lake. I wonder if it is a state thing or county or what...
05-06-2004, 08:02 AM,
Re:Square Lake platform lines
Let's make sure there's an invitation to those who put, move, rearrange, or add stuff to simply update it when they do. Then we just make the notation to of the change and go look for ourselves to get it right?

There will always be change, let's embrace it.

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