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DUMB QUESTION: how to safely remove mold from a silicon mask skirt?
01-21-2004, 06:38 PM,
Re:DUMB QUESTION: how to safely remove mold from a silicon mask skirt?
I forget the name but there is also a product out that is made for cleaning your gear. I think it's like three bucks. You should be able to pick it up at your local dive center. Its in a little plastic container. One time use mix with five gallons of water. It works well. There is also 500PSI wetsuit/BC cleaner. I have never used this product but my dad says he loves it. I think it is pretty much the same thing as I am talking about.

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Re:DUMB QUESTION: how to safely remove mold from a silicon mask skirt? - by willadams67 - 01-21-2004, 06:38 PM

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