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what do you have?! a heat wave in the cities?
11-09-2003, 05:40 PM,
Re:what do you have?! a heat wave in the cities?
Hey Fred,

Just wait, this is just the beginning of the long non-summer season. I've gone so far as to oder another set of undies for the dry suit to keep from freezing later in the season :o
PADI - AOW, DPV, Dry Suit, Wreck, TDI Nitrox
65 Dives and growing.
Deepest Dive - 132' Lighthouse, Bonaire
Deepest Wreck - 130' Hilma Hooker, Bonaire

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Re:what do you have?! a heat wave in the cities? - by mixelpix - 11-09-2003, 05:40 PM

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