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USS Wingit
07-22-2003, 08:22 AM,
USS Wingit
On Monday afternoon We launched the old Viet Nam era patrol boat the USS Wingit at Lake Ore-be-Gone We moved it into position and pulled the plug on it and waited for it to sink to it's watery grave where it has joined other sites that have been put down to rest for the enjoyment of scuba divers. At 6:30 PM it was peacefully resting on the bottom. Right away bass started to check it out, maybe looking for a place to hide. This now makes 6 sites down and we have 2 more to go in this year.

Messages In This Thread
USS Wingit - by tpscuba - 07-22-2003, 08:22 AM
Re:USS Wingit - by gp - 07-22-2003, 09:29 AM
Re:USS Wingit - by jasondbaker - 07-22-2003, 09:33 AM

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