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Fish Lake and Lake Frances
05-15-2002, 08:29 AM,
"The Monster"
Well, so far the record holder for a flathead catfish in Minnesota was caught back in 1970 in the St. Croix River and weighed 70 pounds. <br><br>Also.. the state record for a channel cat is 38 pounds caught in the Mississippi.<br><br>There are stories of 500 pound catfish but strangely enough, nobody has ever seen one. There is however documentation on 10 foot cats roaming around European waters.

Messages In This Thread
Fish Lake and Lake Frances - by jasondbaker - 05-14-2002, 10:46 PM
Re: Fish Lake and Lake Frances - by gp - 05-15-2002, 05:10 AM
"The Monster" - by Chris - 05-15-2002, 08:29 AM
Re: Fish Lake and Lake Frances - by tbrown - 05-15-2002, 04:49 PM
Re: Fish Lake and Lake Frances - by tcdiver - 05-16-2002, 04:01 PM

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