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Trinity's 6th Annual Icing Challenge,,,,,
12-16-2015, 09:24 AM,
Wink  RE: Trinity's 6th Annual Icing Challenge,,,,,
Best line; Crazy Rubber Superheros! Big GrinBig Grin

For anyone who hasn't seen the movie where that clip came from, if you're into WWII history, it's a must-see.

It's in German, but as for sticking to the details of what really happened in his final days, it's an incredible movie. Lots of witnesses from the bunker survived to tell their stories. It's called Downfall- I've seen it at least 3 times and read the book it's based upon.

I'm not buying all this nonsense currently running on the History Channel ad nausium that Hitler got away in those final days.

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RE: Trinity's 6th Annual Icing Challenge,,,,, - by stick500 - 12-16-2015, 09:24 AM

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