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Advice Needed: Superior Dive Sites / Charters out of Duluth Superior Area.
07-14-2010, 03:34 PM,
Advice Needed: Superior Dive Sites / Charters out of Duluth Superior Area.

A small group of us (~6) were planning on diving in Lake Superior this August. The group isĀ  experienced, mainly warm water divers but everyone is comfortable diving 7mm, hood gloves, boots etc. In the past we've had good luck diving the Madeira in mid August where a couple of dives in 7mm has been no problem.

Then we saw that the lake would be warming up more than usual this year.

So we started wondering if anyone here would mind recommending charters & dive sites that would be within REC limits but would be more interesting than the Madeira and/or impossible to reach w/o a dive boat. We would prefer to go out on a weekday if the operator is okay running his boat during the week. Most of us are Nitrox certified and would probably dive it if available.

Also, for anyone who's dove the Madeira this summer (our backup) - is the lake still down low making this entry as easy as it's been in the past few years?

Finally, if lake temps do come up like they say, will all dives still have a colder thermo down deep or does this warmer temp really extend down deeper (say ~100ft)?

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Advice Needed: Superior Dive Sites / Charters out of Duluth Superior Area. - by Qix - 07-14-2010, 03:34 PM

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