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Along the North Shore of Lake Superior
07-21-2009, 09:02 AM,
Along the North Shore of Lake Superior
I am wondering if anyone has done any exploring at any of the rest stops along the north shore of Lake Superior? There are the obvious locations like Brighton Bay, Gooseberry, the Maderia, Hesper etc. but I'm wondering more about the overlook areas most of which have a little more difficulty getting to the water?

The reference that I am using is the Lake Superior water trail map (designed for Kayakers) but I am using the different park/rest areas that are used for the kayakers as potential dive sites to explore.... I just haven't gotten much time to explore them lately.

Let me know if anyone has explored any of these areas and what they found, ie any intersting terrain etc.

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Along the North Shore of Lake Superior - by racer17m - 07-21-2009, 09:02 AM

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