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Using vinyl gloves under your dry gloves
10-31-2006, 08:53 AM,
Re: Using vinyl gloves under your dry gloves
A couple things come to mind.
1st Cotton. Cotton is the absolute worse thing to wear next to your body when layering. For the exact reason people say the latex gloves work. The difference is that the cotton will wick the moisture to the 2nd layer losing any insulation factor. The latex will hold it in and it certainly seems reasonable.

2nd. A wetsuit does not work the way Josh B. described. it is the air cells that are the insulating factor in a wetsuit. No matter how good a wetsuit fits there is still some flushing effect. The air cells hold some heat. However as we pass through the pressure column the wetsuits loses its insulating factor. Because the air cells become smaller.


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Re: Using vinyl gloves under your dry gloves - by wtdrm - 10-31-2006, 08:53 AM

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