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Breast Cancer 3 day 2007
10-23-2006, 11:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2006, 02:29 PM by LKunze.)
Breast Cancer 3 day 2007
As many of you know my wife has walked in the Breast Cancer 3 day for the last 2 years. This a cause very close to us after losing her mother to cancer in 2004. Cancer is prevalent in her family and I do not know of any family untouched but this disease.
In 2007 I will be participating in the event also. I am volunteering to help crew the event. Two of the mail purposes of the event are publicity and fundraising. I am accepting donations in person as well as at my website . If you are unable to donate to this cause please tell others about the event and keep the walkers, crew, and those affected by the disease in your prays.
With dedication and Gods help we will find a cure.

Thank You
Jim Cooper.
MNLakeDiver (aka Jim)<br />The water is so cold I can see my breath !

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Breast Cancer 3 day 2007 - by MNLakeDiver - 10-23-2006, 11:55 AM

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