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what are YOUR favorite fins?!?!
08-23-2006, 08:19 AM,
Re: what are YOUR favorite fins?!?!
yup, carbon fibers are the best, but the most fragile.. mine had been outta commission for some time and I was using the cressi gara 2000 hf's and thinking they were pretty good, and nearly as good as my sporasub pures but I recently repaired the sporasubs, and did some deeper dives a few weekends ago and what the heck was  I thinking!!,,, there is no comparison between the two.  very happy to have the carbon fibers back into the lineup.  the cressi's are great for rivers, spearfishing, and taking abuse, they never break, but the carbons can't be beat for the deeper down the line stuff.
Cold and dark down there huh?

Messages In This Thread
what are YOUR favorite fins?!?! - by josh b. - 08-22-2006, 10:22 PM
Re: what are YOUR favorite fins?!?! - by freedivernd - 08-23-2006, 08:19 AM

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