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Visibility Report -- Square and Perch
09-26-2005, 02:14 PM,
Visibility Report -- Square and Perch
I had the opportunity to dive both Perch Lake and Square Lake this past weekend. Just want to give a little visibility and temperature report.

Friday -- Perch -- 7pm entry -- heavy suspend particles at all levels with a definite thermocline at 25ft. Surface temp 60 degrees, 45 degrees below 25ft. Visibility did open up a little at depths near 45 feet and open back up again 15ft and above. Average visibility was 3-5 ft. The platform is no longer connected via a long rope to the steam shovel. However, the steam shovel is approximately ten feet NE of the platform.

A 5# Largemouth Bass was found sleeping inside the back corner of the steam shovel. Watching him for approximately five minutes was us four divers who somewhat surrounded him and I felt bad for a moment. First it seemed as if he couldn't decide on a clear escape route then it became apparent that he was indignant didn't want to leave, so we left him alone.

Storms from earlier in the week were definitely a factor. Look for visibility to increase in the coming week(s).

Saturday -- Square -- 10a.m. entry -- Two class were in and out before the class I was assisting with made it into the water. Suspeneded silt was prevalent throughout. Surface temp was 60 degrees and carried to our max. depth of 24 feet. Little rain threw drops up off the surface at the start of our dive. Average visibility was still slightly better than Perch in most areas and was 3-5ft.


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Visibility Report -- Square and Perch - by eric myers 2 - 09-26-2005, 02:14 PM

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