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Cozumel Hurricane Update/Relief Effort
10-24-2005, 06:41 AM,
Re: Cozumel Hurricane Update/Relief Effort
I spent most of the weekend on Cozumel message boards talking to many of the friends I have made down in Cozumel.  From the limited phone calls making it out it sounds even worse than people predicted.  Almost all of the small piers have been destroyed, Punta Lagosta cruise pier is severely damaged and most all the shops along Melgar are severely damaged.  One restaurant, Tony Romes, which is a block back from the water has been totally flattened.  One person who was there described it as the worse thunderstorm we have ever had in Minnesota, only it lasted for 60 hours straight.  I have always been amazed at the people of Cozumel and how friendly and helpfull they are to the tourist so it does not surprise me in the least they were taking tourists into there homes.  I think one of the things that can be done is to not avoid Cozumel because of the damage.  They are going to need as much tourism dollars as they can possibly get to get things up and running again.

Messages In This Thread
Cozumel Hurricane Update/Relief Effort - by DanL - 10-22-2005, 12:58 PM
Re: Cozumel Hurricane Update/Relief Effort - by treeguy - 10-24-2005, 06:41 AM

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