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Trick or Treat Fun Dive Friday, Oct. 22.
10-23-2004, 08:29 AM,
Re:Trick or Treat Fun Dive Friday, Oct. 22.
So grateful to have met Tracy, Scott and the WHOLE Air Down There crew this season!

[glow=color,glow width, #characters wide] Last night was a blast![/glow]
Thanks to all friends, old and new, who showed up! Looking forward to Winter get-togethers too.

(P.S. -- Trying to attach the sweatshirt picture for you all, but not having much success --- help)
(P.S.S. Todd has been found and is alive and safe Wink)

Remember - Gigner Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did . . . except she did it backwards and in high heels !

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Re:Trick or Treat Fun Dive Friday, Oct. 22. - by SoonFamous - 10-23-2004, 08:29 AM

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