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Wazee Book signing
06-11-2004, 11:38 AM,
Wazee Book signing
Scuba Dive and Travel is excited to announce a chance to meet the author of "The Divers Guide to Lake Wazee." John Janzen will be signing copies of his book and laminated maps. If you already own a copy, this is a great chance to have it autographed, and for those who haven't picked up their copy, ther will be plenty available. We will have some appetizers and beverages available. This event will be held at Scuba Dive and Travel at 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome to join us at Adrians after the event for drinks and food.

Happy Diving,
Scuba Dive and Travel<br />4423 Nicollet Ave. So.<br />Minneapolis, MN 55419<br />612-823-7210<br /><br />

Messages In This Thread
Wazee Book signing - by ScubaDiveandTravel - 06-11-2004, 11:38 AM
Re:Wazee Book signing - by ScubaDiveandTravel - 06-21-2004, 01:42 PM
Re:Wazee Book signing - by tcjtn0 - 06-11-2004, 09:20 PM
Re:Wazee Book signing - by john j - 06-15-2004, 08:43 AM

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