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Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated
05-27-2004, 11:54 AM,
Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated
It's also kind of ridiculous that you can ship up to 10,000 rounds of ammunition, an explosive, but you cant ship a hunk of metal.

I guess that means anything with a hollow metal tube should not be ok to ship. Guns, wheelchairs, walkers, umbrellas, golf clubs, ski-poles, etc.

And if they see one on x-ray, they can always do a hand search. That costs money, so charge a fee for cylinders, I would think $10-15 would cover a two minute search.

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Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated - by ghosch - 05-27-2004, 11:54 AM

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