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Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated
05-27-2004, 11:51 AM,
Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated
Bombs don't have to be solid material. Plastique or even a chemical, say Phosgene or anthrax would fit easily.
An example I read was that 5 gallons of phosgene in a garden sprinkler on top of the Empire State Building could wipe out New York (or most of it depending on wind direction/speed).
I completely agree that airport security is horrible. Even a news station was able to get a vehicle into a restricted area with only a cursory check, and no check under the vehicle among several other glaring holes. I personally think security needs to be completely re-done, not just patched and patched like it is continually done. Sad
I was going to include it in my last post...I believe medicinal gasses are allowed, but must be put in cargo. They supply O2 when on board the plane when necessary. At least that is what I thought I saw occur on one of my flights.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

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Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated - by Chadwick - 05-27-2004, 11:51 AM

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