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Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated
05-27-2004, 10:34 AM,
Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated

I doubt that it would be easy to fit a 'bomb' through the cylinder opening. The increase in airport security hasn't made me feel any safer - there are so many holes in 'security' that it is almost a joke. So I know I'm taking a risk everytime I fly, from 'terrorists' to drunken pilots.

I have used FedEx to ship cylinders from FL. to MN. The cost was quite reasonable - so ground mail is a viable option.

On the other hand, when I went to Micronesia, I brought my Inspiration CCR (the cylinders are quite smaller than a AL/Steel 80, and they didn't have any in Chuuk). I did ship some scrubber and it got caught up in customs (I think, never did find out what happened to it). Good think I didn't ship my cylinders - they ain't cheap to replace! We did have a major hassle with our cylinders at MPLS. airport, but we eventually did get to check them.

I really enjoyed airport 'security' in Chuuk Lagoon - if the innards of an Inspiration CCR doesn't look like a 'bomb', I don't know what does. And they didn't even bother to really look at it. Perhaps they see so many of them???

What about those who depend on O2 supplemental gas for breathing (emphysema, etc.)? Maybe that can drop the 02 masks for them! Wink
'C'mon, c'mon! What're you waiting for? Daddy needs his medicine...' ~ Capt. Murphy

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Re:Tanks, Rebreather Bottles and Spare Airs May be Confiscated - by Mark Y - 05-27-2004, 10:34 AM

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