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Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
05-19-2004, 04:02 PM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
For those of you who want to enter a team in the Lake Minnetonka dive clean-up, you can respond in this forum. We are hoping for over 100 divers at this event. In the past the weather has been great, the free lunch delicious and the prizes have been both numerous and nice!

There is no entry fee to this event. but we need to know numbers to plan lunch and the number of boat to provide.

Please sign-up! Individule and teams welcome.

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Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - by Minnetonka - 05-19-2004, 04:02 PM

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