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ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
07-13-2012, 12:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-13-2012, 12:05 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
I patched together a little more video of the wall dive at Grindstone Lake from 7-7-12. It has more cubby holes and a fishing rod I found. At the end is Nate & I talking about our first impressions of the area when I didn't think the camera was still rolling.
Here is a link to that video:
07-13-2012, 07:30 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

Thanks Joe  8)
07-13-2012, 07:33 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

Down rigger sold.  Might have some more after tomorrow  :-X  ;D
07-14-2012, 12:10 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Hey if you guys go back, might as well post crib coords you find for future reference, they are neat enough to make it worth checking out, lots of fish if no anchors at least.
"The lake is running low on leeches. Dump a few more barrels in."
-John Calhoun
07-15-2012, 01:08 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-15-2012, 02:36 PM by Shooter.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Although team honey badger displays superior diving techniques and search patterns, we have gone three weeks without a notable discovery. We seem to have misplaced our hickory switch  >Big Grin ;D. we decided to take the weekend off and dive some more well known shipwrecks.
4190 miles southeast of Dutch Harbor, lies the shipwreck the Madeira. at 0500 hrs., team honey badger loaded dive gear into the inflatable , powered by Terry's 1984 30 hp mariner motor, and headed north. (Terry, if this is truly the prize that is on the table for the  icing challenge, I am impressed and will make a new decal with your name on the label to put on the outboard.) rotflmao  ;D ;D
Visibility on the Madeira was approximately 25 to 30 feet. It was really nice to roll off of the boat and dive, dive, dive. No more humping gear up and down the stairs. We did two dives on the Madeira.
We then trailered the boat south and did a dive on the Ely. I hadn't dove this wreck before and did not realize I was missing. Visibility was only 6 to 8 feet, but it was still a very impressive shipwrecks to dive on. We ran into the " man " at the landing. As I was getting ready to back the boat in, he appeared at my driver side window with a big grin on his face. He then asked permission to take a picture of the honey badger dive team logo that was proudly displayed on my door.

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07-15-2012, 04:13 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
It was good to rinse our dive gear in some fresh clean water after all the muck we had been diving in. I had a great time with Nate yesterday diving some Gitche Gumee wrecks. No they don't count in the challenge, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. When I finish converting them, I will post part one and two of the HD video we took on the Madeira and the HD video we took on the S. P. Ely on a different thread. Here are some photos from yesterday:

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07-16-2012, 07:31 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
hey, thats quite a find! but they dont count unless you post some pics and coords to claim them!  Big Grin
"The lake is running low on leeches. Dump a few more barrels in."
-John Calhoun
11-23-2012, 10:29 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-23-2012, 10:33 PM by DetectorGuy.)
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...

6 days and a wake-up until the adventure begins! The [glow=red,2,300]master dive plan[/glow] has been expanded to reach out 1663 miles from my front door. This will be our first international search. With a little luck, a little skill, and a whole lot of planning, it will be our first international recovery. If Hurricane Sandy kept her hands off the prize, it will still be waiting for us to find above the depth threshold, and not sent over the wall called "The Tongue of the Ocean". Good things come to those who wait, and better things come to those that seize the day!

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11-24-2012, 11:08 AM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
                           The captain of the Cat Palau (that sails out of Nassau every week down thru the Exumas) told me that the Bahamas have the 4th worst prison system on earth, but I'm thinking "a little luck, a little skill, and a whole lot of planning" (or the other way around) will keep you two damn yankees out of it. Might want to empty the ganja from her hull before hoisting her,,,,
                          Glad to hear you two are happy with the Mariner, but why on such a calm day are you not launching at Two Harbors and running up to the Madiera, she's made that run many times, its scenic as can be, allows you to have a look at the remains of the Lafayette, north of Silver Cliff, between Encampment Is. and the mainland, or  the "Just for fun" that Kenny and crew sunk, does it on 8-9 gallons, round trip, (with 4 tanks and two divers). Its not to often you get calm seas to enjoy cruising the No. Shore, and there is all kinds of cool stuff to check out from the lake side. Heres a pic zoomed from the 1200' breakwater in Two Hs. of the Mariner running into the wind, glad I had a pair of tanks tied down in the front end Wink You guys have a good time down there and we'll look forward to seeing you out on the ice when you get back!      Trinity

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Open season on the open seas,,,,We ani't stealing were just taking back,,,,call it pilage or call it plunder, were taken back from the boys down under,,,,,,,Jimmy Buffet         952-201-3029  (cell)
11-24-2012, 07:26 PM,
Re: ICSD New Shipwreck Challenge...
Prison? Why would we need to worry about prison? Scuba diving is not a crime....... Even if it was Honey Badger Dive Team don't care
That must be a REALLY old pic, you have hair !  ;D

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