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Diving Stories and Experiences
09-26-2002, 06:27 AM,
Diving Stories and Experiences
Shucks guys .. my fall is not going well. I am in the beginning of potato harvest and unless it rains substantially I will not get any time off for weeks, maybe 3, maybe more. The water is going to be cold when I finish -- that's no problem, it's just that right now I'm going through diving withdrawals. What helps is to hear about your diving experiences... Print them up.. I don't care if they're real or imagined. HELP PLEASE! (you could switch with me, huh?.. tractors can be fun.... uh... really) Big Grin

Cold and dark down there huh?
10-17-2002, 03:28 AM,
Re:Diving Stories and Experiences

All this talk of winter diving has gotten me to thinking of cave country. WARNING, do not look at these photos unless you are fully prepared to pack up your stuff and move south. I went down here early this year to get my cavern class and have not been the same ever since! Constant 72 and as you can see from these photos, that water is so clear it looks like air! It was funny, because there were many that thought that was cold! As Wes replies to the answer of why people cave dive "To fly weightless like Peter Pan through a Dreamscape of unprecedented and unparelled beauty". I'm hoping in Feb or March to take my Intro to Cave, maybe get in Apprentice. I'm afraid if I got my Full Cave, I'd tell my boss to stuff it, sell everything but my gear and become a southerner.

ps hope the harvest went well.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

10-17-2002, 08:42 AM,
Re:Diving Stories and Experiences
What a beautiful set of pictures, getting my bags packed...anyone else?
10-17-2002, 10:49 AM,
Re:Diving Stories and Experiences
Wow those are gorgeous photos. I would love to have one hanging on a wall. I did the cavern thing in Mexico back in April. I have to admit those were the most amazing dives I have done so far.
10-18-2002, 08:17 AM,
Re:Diving Stories and Experiences
That one with the "flying" canoe was way cool! I've had the florida springs on my list of someplace to go for some time now. I guess up around Orlando there are a lot of good sites. Here is a site that has some great info on all if not most of the springs in that area. The site is a bit confusing but lots of great info there. , even lists several where some of those photos were taken.

Cold and dark down there huh?
10-25-2002, 10:29 AM,
Re:Diving Stories and Experiences
I think the springs are about to become our vacation of choice for a while. I like the fact that I can drive there instead of flying, and I can take all my gear, instead of just some. Reef diving is pretty cool, but diving in the springs speeds up washing gear!
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.


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