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Grindstone Lake
10-01-2002, 09:35 AM,
Grindstone Lake
Anyone dive Grindstone Lake? A non-diver co-worker of mine told me about it. He has a cabin up near there. It's located in the Hinkley/Sandstone area. It's a spring fed lake and is very deep (153ft. max) and by the looks of the dnr lake map it drops off fast all the way around the lake. It kind of resembles a wall or at least a very steep drop. The water clarity looks like it might be a good place to dive. Anyone interested in checking it out sometime? It wouldn't be that bad of a drive from the twin cites maybe an hour and a half. Here is the DNR link.
10-01-2002, 11:41 AM,
Re:Grindstone Lake
A friend and I tried Grindstone last year. It's an interesting lake. It is very tannic, ie., brown. It is not that the lake is cloudy from particulate, it is just brown. We went down to about 40' and the lights that we had were not cutting it.

The big problem with it for diving is that access really sucks. I mean really sucks. There is one puble access on the north end that is a little lagoon at the end of a 200' channel. The rest of the lake is private. We didn't have a boat and had to wade through 2'-4' water to get out of the channel and then another 50 yards to get to where the water drops off.

The drop is really steep. It was fun just from the standpoint of gliding down the slope.

Due to the lake color there was not much to see. Vegetation was almost non-existent. Even so, with the right gear it would be an interesting dive.

10-01-2002, 12:58 PM,
Re:Grindstone Lake
Joel, how was the viz when you were there?
10-01-2002, 01:02 PM,
Re:Grindstone Lake
I would be say that it was in the 20'+ range. I wanted to get back to it this year now that I have an HID and see what the place is really like.

Something similar that is local is Lake Elmo. It is narrow and deep, 110ffw. It also has a very steep slope. It clears out a bit below 40'.

10-01-2002, 01:06 PM,
Re:Grindstone Lake
Cool. I haven't tried Lake Elmo yet either, I'll add it to my list.
10-01-2002, 01:24 PM,
Re:Grindstone Lake
A buddy and I dove Gridstone twice in the past month. We are both NEW...these two dives were probably our 2nd and 3rd since open water cert. Anyways, we also went to the boat landing, decided it was bad news and backtracked a 1/4 mile or so back to a house and asked permission to use their property. Not much to see as the vis was probably 12' or so. We stayed above 15'.....saw some fish and an old spearing lure. The second dive a week later we went on the south end, once again asking a land owner for permission to use their dock. After a little hymming and hawwing he gave us permission. South end is less steep on drop off, but believe me it's still there. I should also mention we don't have lights yet so that was another reason we stayed shallow. All in all it was a good experience....gave us some new gear time and I think if you ask permission first, most land owners would probably give permission. Just so you know, there is a big stink brewing over people using the Grindstone Bible camp property along the tar road on the south side. Jaye from Pine City.
03-12-2006, 09:50 PM,
Re: Grindstone Lake
Hi,  I just finished my classroom and pool training and should get my open water dives in May, I'm really looking forward to getting certified.

I grew up a 1/4 mile from the lake and remember stories from my parents that in the past divers have discovered some old logging sleds with logs still on them (and skeletons of the horse teams still in the rigging).  I guess back in the day they would use teams of horses to pull the sleds across the lake filled with logs...and some went through the ice, team and all.  I'm curious if anyone diving the lake has ever run across something like this?

My mom had told me when I was younger (20+ yrs ago) that she had heard or seen a film that some divers had made of the lake.  I can't remember if the film may have contained shots of the logging sleds or not.

I'm really interested in finding out more about the lake from some that have actually dove it.  Would love to make a dive trip, especially if we knew the location of some of these underwater "sights".


03-13-2006, 12:37 AM,
Re: Grindstone Lake
Lonnie - In my opinion, not worth it.  Dove it two years ago - No access allowed from the south end, very bad access from the public launch - very shallow for a long way, boats, a VERY tannic stream entry.  We tried a house to ask for access and were turned back by some very un-nice dogs.
Finally got reasonable access from the west bank, but the bottom undulates - you go to 15 ft and over a bank up to 10ft, then to maybe 20 ft then back up to 8ft.  It's like a roller coaster. Look at the map - some deep holes w/steep sides, but a whole lot of washboard up-and -down bottom profile.
Also look at the DNR viz: 7.8ft!  The water was like diving in dark tea.  Light doesn't penetrate it either.  We tried diving for about 45min and gave up.  Went to Tobey's and consoled ourselves with the great cinnamon rolls and coffee.
If there are horse bones in there, you would never see em - everything must be stained a uniform brown in brown water.
Dan L
03-13-2006, 06:12 AM,
Re: Grindstone Lake
Hey Dan, actually I have never tried Grindstone and do not intend to.  Check the date on the first post on this thread (10/02/02).  I remember you telling me it was pretty bad when you went up there with Paul 2 or 3 years ago.  That was enough to keep me away, LOL!
03-14-2006, 01:44 PM,
Re: Grindstone Lake
I thought you said "violins".  Never Mind....
Dan L

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