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New Dive Shop
12-01-2006, 06:03 PM,
New Dive Shop
Hello, All:

We just opened a new dive store in Maple Plain, about 12 miles west of I494 on Hwy 12.  The doors opened November 1st.  Our shop will be specializing in Minnesota diving.  We're offering winter trips to warm water, but our focus is on cold water diving and the equipment for it.

C'mon out and hang out for a while, have a pop on us, browse the magazines, literature, and toys, and let's talk diving!

Blue Wave Scuba
5262 Independence St.  (That's Hwy 12)
Maple Plain, MN  55359

(952) 486-7484

Hours:  Tuesday - Friday:  2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
             Saturday: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
             Sunday:  1:00 AM - 3:00 PM
-------------------------------<br />Let's Go Diving!<br /><br />Blue Wave Scuba<br />5262 Indepence St.<br />Maple Plain, MN   55359<br /><br />(952) 486-7484<br /><br />
12-02-2006, 01:40 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
Holy schneikees!?  I grew up in the plain.  All the cops know me.  Who are you guys and where is the store. Next to the Foodcenter, by Brewsters, what? Are you lookin to go tech eventually?  What kind of diving do you do? Let's get some background. I need more posts!
12-03-2006, 12:14 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
We are located next to Brewsters.  We do local, and vacation diving.  We enjoy diving with all levels of divers, no matter what there background is.  We have many years of combined experience with our staff, from OW training  to extreme recovery operations, to technical diving.

Right now we are not teaching any tech other than the TDI Nitrox course.  We have plans in the future to extend the training to include DECO procedures, and Advanced Nitrox.  We are in the process of finalizing the crossover to ERDI, and have the ability to teach all of their materials, when this has been completed. 

We just got the permanent compressor in, and have 5 HP storage bottles, with 4 more from the North Shore coming.  We are going to have premixed 36%, available soon. 

Come on by and check out the shop, and we will chat diving.
-------------------------------<br />Let's Go Diving!<br /><br />Blue Wave Scuba<br />5262 Indepence St.<br />Maple Plain, MN   55359<br /><br />(952) 486-7484<br /><br />
12-03-2006, 12:25 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
I'll be stoppin' in next time I swing over to my dad's place in the plain.  Prolly in the next week or so.
12-03-2006, 12:26 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
What's ERDI? Never heard of it. ???
12-03-2006, 01:24 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
Welcome aboard BlueWave!!!  Wish I would have known you were open, Went through there on Friday, 12/1/06  Was on a transport probably went right by your place, would've stopped in to chat...  Hey maybe next time.
Let's get tanked!!!
12-03-2006, 04:19 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-05-2006, 02:12 PM by MAXFACTOR.)
Re: New Dive Shop
corndogg II      Your really cracking the posts barrier.   

here is a link you can have re   ERDI...



12-03-2006, 07:20 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
There are many different types of Rescue diving available to the public, and to special units.  It all depends on the company/response unit on which type/technique is more highly preffered.  There are more than one government approved agency for different types of diving and during different conditions. 

All local diving response teams are doing a great job!  Keep up the fantastic work!
12-04-2006, 08:37 AM,
Re: New Dive Shop
Maxs, I don't believe that OSHA approves or disapproves any anything, but they offer guidelines for PSD.
12-04-2006, 04:15 PM,
Re: New Dive Shop
Welcome aboard as well.  Love your hours... I should be well inebriated by the Time I arrive.  ;D

I know...  Everybody's a critic!!

Can't wait to meet you all....

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