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Crosby Diving
04-24-2007, 12:16 PM,
Crosby Diving
I was going to pull last years topic but I figured I'll try new.

I'm going to be in the Crosby area this weekend. Anyone going to dive there Saturday? I could use a buddy or 12.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
04-24-2007, 01:38 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
I'll be in Fifty Lakes for the weekend.  Not sure if I can convince the family that I need to head to Crosby on Sat., but let me know where/when you're planning to be and I can keep it as an option!  I'm at least planning to go out in our lake to use up a tank of Nitrox and probably also take a spin with the cheapo scooter too.  Might be some stuff in the shallows to chase around!
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!
04-24-2007, 03:07 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
Saturday Sad  I can't go on Saturday....

Aly, Brian and I will be up diving on Sunday.  We'll probably be at the South side of Mangan ;D ;D ;D
04-24-2007, 04:11 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
I may be able to move it to Sunday. (I'm just helping a buddy launch a dock)
I was thinking Louise so Mangan is good, I've never been in it. What time? I'll be about an hour away.

How about Sunday with AandA?
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
04-24-2007, 07:54 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
still have the same issues for both days, but there's always a chance!  earlier woul be better on Sunday, but don't plan around me since I'm questionable anyway!
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!
04-25-2007, 06:07 AM,
Re: Crosby Diving
We'll be leaving the Metro at about 8:00.  We should be up at Mangan by about 9:30 or so.  This will be the first dive of the season for a couple of the divers who will be with us.  We'll "probably" follow the treeline to the beaver lodges on either side of the lake as two separate dives with bottom times of about 40 min and not going much deeper than thirty.  Our party will be diving a mix of wet and drysuits so water temps and conditions topside will also be a factor.  As I said earlier we "hope" to enter on the South side of the lake (the entry point closest to Louise.
04-29-2007, 07:03 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
Trip report,
Mangan "Sleepy Hollow" ?
Vis 25-30,  thermocline in spots,  looked like the cold water was coming up making that 'oil' pattern.

Temps: 41-42

Fish: 6-8 large carp like. Yellow stripes. ? Don't know, don't fish. Please post if you do.

Artifacts: big pipe, Truck bed (gmc? no tail gate), deer (ask Brian)

Good time, Great weather and someone was grating? grading? You know, tractor and blade... making the road smoother. He did a real nice job,

Thanks everyone.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
04-29-2007, 07:59 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
Those fish are suckers.  Theres many different types, I'm not sure it the ones in the pits are red horses or not, but they are suckers.
04-29-2007, 10:20 PM,
Re: Crosby Diving
glad you had a good time.  I managed to get out at Mom's for a half hour dive today.  saw a good number of little stuff in shallows.  also saw tons of crayfish that all seemed to be in a rather fiesty mood!  they wanted to fight so I let a couple of them pinch my mitts.  also saw one pretty big dogfish - was thinking about grabbing him, but I just hung out for a minute and it finally spooked!  had water temp of 43 according to Citizen - didn't check Cobra degrees yet.
Some people are like Slinkeys - not much good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs!
04-30-2007, 08:48 AM,
Re: Crosby Diving
and to think I did yardwork all weekend ??? :'( ??? :'(

Home ownership is really overrated.

18 days and counting down to The S.B.O.  (spearboard open) 8)

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