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Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
03-17-2006, 09:51 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
I dive a KISS for another month and then Ill move to a Meg.  So if anyone wants a rebreather then let me know. 
Go Big, or go home!
03-19-2006, 06:47 AM,
I actually have two, 1 is a complete trip, the other is a single dive
The trip was to Truk. Ghosch was on that trip as well as Mark Y. I cant single out any one dive. But most of us were using rebreathers. I was the only SCR diver.
I think there were only 3 open circuit divers. Just getting therre is an adventure.
There is a group from GUDC coming back now. Getting there for us entailed an overnight stay in Houston, then a flight to Hawaii, About 8 hours, switch palne and a 9 hr. flight to Guam, with an unexpected overnight there. followed by a 2hr flight to Chuuk.
The 1st picture ( Ihope) is just some artifacts from one of the wrecks.
My favorite dive was in Jamaica where we were joined by a pod of Dolphins.

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03-20-2006, 02:43 AM,
More pictures of Truk: Thanks Roger
Roger Southwick showed me how to do this so it is a test for me. While in Truk I did my 1st shark. So during the excitement I managed to break my camera (POS). So my underwater pictures of the really cool wrecks are limited

This is the Truk airport. Very Primitive and small
03-20-2006, 02:44 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
Back to the drawing board. It did not work.
03-21-2006, 07:44 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
One of the best dives I have had was in Grand Cayman.  Dive operators boat to the west side was broke down so we got "stuck" diving the north side the whole trip.  What a lucky break.  The west side is much more convenient for most dive ops so that is where they usually go.  You can tell also because it is beat up in a lot of the dive sites.  By going to the North side we were able to dive the greatest walls I have ever seen.  Bets dive was to a site called Ghost Mountain.  It is a pinnacle about 100 yards or so off the wall.  We couldn't see the pinnacle from the wall so you had to fin out over nothingness and trust that the pinnacle was there.  In a word BREATHTAKING.  It was one of the most gorgeous sites I have ever seen.  We started at about 100 feet and circled around the pinnacle slowly working our way up.  At about 50 feet you get to the top and start moving back towards the wall.  As we were moving back 5 eagle rays swam between us and the wall.  I can't wait to get back and dive the north side again.  Other favorite dives include countless dives in Cozumel and kelp dives in Monteray, CA.
03-22-2006, 12:19 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
Treeguy,  thanks for your description.  I bet you wish you had a camera.  However, I am sure You will never forget the dive.  I am sure that was very cool.  I will be putting that place on my need to go and experience list.

03-23-2006, 12:10 PM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
I can't even come close to any of these - but, for me: Palancar Gardens was UN-friggin-BELIEVEABLE!

Cozumel was my first dive trip, and before arriving, I had only 8 dives under my belt; only 3 of which were salt water, and in clear caribbean type waters.

The Gardens have some of the most incredible coral formations I had even seen. And HUGE! Their formations almost made it seem as if you were in a cave - but looking up always revealed sunlight and the surface. They were very easy to swim through.

I know that's nothing compared to what I had read, but to me - surreal...
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.<br />Blood makes the grass grow, kill, kill, kill!
03-23-2006, 02:15 PM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
I wouls agree with you about palancar gardens.  That is always one of my favorite dives in Coz.
05-09-2006, 09:50 PM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
I thought I better keep this thread alive, seeing that apparently no one is posting anything new. 

ANY ONE HAVE ANY GOOD DIVE STORIES<  or FAVORITE DIVES.    IF NOT,,    we better go back to golf or tennis.

05-10-2006, 11:55 AM,
Re: Describe One of Your Favorite Dives
Okay, I'll bite and breathe some life into the thread......

  One of my favorite dives was Snapper Ledge in Key Largo.  Tons and tons of Yellow Tail Snappers.  I was "One with the Fish" !  Going back to do it again this summer, along with doing the Grove again. 


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