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Wazee Report
05-16-2005, 08:55 AM,
Wazee Report
Went to Wazee yesterday, dove site #2 went to the gazing ball on dive #1, maxed out at 159' my dive buddy hit 153', her deepest dive to date, congrats to her. Did deco on the buoy line. Second dive we swam along the ridge at 120' came up through the trees swam under the big platform and swam back along the sandy road. Vis was shaky below 120' which I thought was odd, and was excellent above 60', I would say we had vis in the 30-50' range shallow and 10-20' below 120'. Water temps in the 40's at depth.  I cleaned the Gargoyle, angel and the gazing ball off. Both dives were excellent.
05-16-2005, 03:15 PM,
Re: Wazee Report
Amazing how much it can change in one day.  Did one dive on Saturday, and I recall the viz. shallow (i.e. 20-60') being really poor.  When we got deep the water was clear but dark.
05-16-2005, 05:50 PM,
Re: Wazee Report
That is usually my experience at Wazee, descent vis shallower, and really clear below say 110'.. I thought it was very strange.


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