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a great day on the water/frozen
03-19-2005, 10:35 PM,
a great day on the water/frozen
I know that not everyone is as excited about out march sotrm as I am but this year has been a little depressing in the snow department, you see I made a few big purchases this year one was scuba equiptment for my wife and I and the other was snowmobiles, we have made a few trips this year but have not had much luck here in Red Wing.  Last night and today we spent some great time on the frozen fluff.

Anyone else share the winter past time of snowmobiling?

03-21-2005, 01:51 AM,
Re: sledding divers?
I have a couple of polaris' sleds that haven't seen much snow this year......will try again next year.  Trails around Fergus Falls/ Detroit Lakes are some of the best around.  Better luck next yr.
Non-divers seem so,  well,  shallow.

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