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used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
02-06-2005, 12:16 AM,
used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
As many of you have figured out by my line of questions I am still pretty new to the sport and I am still building my goodie bag.

I have been looking at used dry suites on ebay and I am tempted but would like to know what everyone thinks.  I would love to be able to try them on and see how they fit but this of course is not going to happen. 

I have had good luck for the most part with stuff I have bought one ebay but I usually also have en ebay rule that I live by. don't buy it unless you can afford to loose the money you are sending into the great  unknown.

What are the good brands? DUI probably not an option at that price...

How much would you spend on a used suite?

Let the knowlage flowwwwwwwwww.


02-06-2005, 02:20 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
what is your price range ,   try your local shops!  they have been known to have rental and consignment suits avail but you must call around!  repairs are avail in state, if you find a suit with poor seals or a leak, it worked for me.
02-06-2005, 03:39 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
price rance is the big question, what did people pay for thier dry suit?  I probably cant scrape up more that about $400.00  can I get something of good quality used for that?

02-06-2005, 06:43 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I'm knew to scuba diving too, and am now looking to buy a quality wetsuit. Most of the wetsuits I've looked at have been in the $400 price range, so I would be very suprised if you could find a good quality used dry suit for near $400.
02-06-2005, 07:06 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I bought both of my drysuits on ebay.  One new never used zeagle tril-lam which I love for 500.  The other a neoprene zeagle which is nice for about the same I think.  You may have to get new seals or repairs or alterations which could cost another 200+.  A good place to get that done is Superior Diving Repair in Brainerd.  Mark is a commercial diver who used to work for DUI 218.825.7009.  I would recommend a DUI CF 200.  They are a tough suit with a telescoping torso. I see them on ebay often.  I'd say you may have to spend a little more to get something good.  Refer to the manufacturers websites for size info, they all vary from company to company.  And be sure to snipe on ebay, you till the last second to bid on something you want so it doesn't get bid up and waste your money.  Be patient
02-06-2005, 08:20 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I snipe everything I buy, I don't understand people that bid on an item 5 days before it ends....although i do like that when i am selling something. 

Q: how long have they made dry suits with the auto dial purge valve, and can you get one put in a suit that dosen't have one.

Davsholm: I bought a real nice wet  suit  that fantasea was taking out of rental last summer for $150.00
02-06-2005, 08:55 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I've never seen one without that valve but yes you can have anything done to any drysuit.
02-06-2005, 10:59 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I was looking at a viking extreme drysuit a couple years ago.  I could have bought it new for $550.

I looked at several used drysuits at local diveshops but did not find any bargains. 
02-07-2005, 08:51 AM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
Hey Doug, I have an Oneill that I would like to sell.  It is a Neoprene drysuit and tends to be pretty bulky.  My plans are to upgrade to a nicer one.  It's only been used three to four times total and is in excellent shape.  It's an exceptionally warm drysuit.

You're welcome to see it any time and you know where to find me.

Pete :o
Pete Mayer
02-08-2005, 08:53 PM,
Re: used dry suit..good idea? or bad?
I would try to find out if the suit is a one that was purchased "off the rack" or was custume made to fit the owner. If the suit was custume made, the divestore from which it was ordered through might have a record on file as to the "bodily dimensions" the suit was made to.

I myself can not wear an "off the rack" drysuit, therefore, I had mine custume made. Yes, I still have a copy of the "bodily dimensions" that DUI used in making the suit. If and when I am ready to sell, I can show this to the potential buyer of the suit.

You must also consider if you will be wearing undergarments with the suit. When the suit is custume made, this is all taken into consideration prior to the suit being made.

Bottom line, you get what you pay for. If money is an issue, dive wet another year and save the bucks for buying a suit that you really want and will be happy with.
David A. Torry<br />Cell (612)799-4333

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