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Opportunity for a C H E A P dive trip to Mexico over x-mas
12-17-2004, 10:37 PM,
Opportunity for a C H E A P dive trip to Mexico over x-mas
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I'd post an opportunity for a trip for 2 to Manzanilla Mexico. My friend and her boyfriend have an ALL INCLUSIVE (meals and drinks etc) trip for a week including airfare from Minneapolis. Leaves This coming Tuesday and comes back the following Tuesday. Something came up and they cant go, they paid $1500 for everything and will take the best offer on it as they cant get a refund. There is a $100 name change charge. If you are looking for a steal of a deal and a good getaway over x-mas please email me @ maidenkatt @ yahoo. com

They will consider ALL offers, because its coming up so soon I'm guessing they will be lucky to get any offers so they will just be out the $$ Just trying to help them out!

12-21-2004, 04:02 PM,
Re:Opportunity for a C H E A P dive trip to Mexico over x-mas
Oh, man. If only I was single...or wanted to be. Good luck, and thanks for posting the offer.

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