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Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
07-25-2004, 06:38 AM,
Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
I had some vacation time to burn at work, so I'm off all week. Is anyone available/interested in going diving any of these days?
07-25-2004, 07:11 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?

ME!!! ME!!! ME!!!
I can dive Tues and Thursday. I will be out with the regular gang at Square on Wed. Day or evening works for me !!!
Gotta keep that streak going , you know !!! Wink

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
07-26-2004, 09:29 AM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
Tuesday is good--I'll have to see about Thursday. Where would you want to go? I've only gone to Wazee so far, so anything local would be new to me and good.

I was thinking like 11am-3pm or something would be a good time frame if that works for you. My tanks is empty plus I'd probably want to rent a 2nd one and would need to work within LDS hours.

Call me this evening if you want, 612-578-1848.
07-26-2004, 10:48 AM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?

Gotcha...I have extra tanks , if you need them btw.
I will give you a call !

Jean Smile
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
07-26-2004, 07:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-26-2004, 07:41 PM by Punky.)
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
Count me in. E-mail or post where to meet.
I have no time restrictions this time Jean. Smile
07-26-2004, 08:44 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
Jean--maybe it would be best if we post our plans on here instead then. Did you have anything in particular in mind?
07-26-2004, 09:27 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?

I told Punky (Tom) to meet me/us at Square between 11 and 11:30 AM. I will have both of my singles filled up so both of you can do 2 dives. I can get 2 hours off of my doubles without a fill.
The viz at Square is better than Perch is right now. I saw some really nice Northerns hanging out in the weeds tonight (Mon). And it would be Golden Acres , not the county killer-hill park.

Jean ;D
How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH
07-27-2004, 05:14 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
Had a great time diving today at Square Lake. Jean and I are thinking about going on Thursday. Any takers?
07-28-2004, 07:13 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?
Looks like I won't be going tomorrow, Jean. Hopefully this doesn't break your streak. Smile There's some things I need to do that I didn't get done with today.
07-28-2004, 11:17 PM,
Re:Tues, Wed, or Thursday 7/27-7/29?

No problem !!!
I'll get in the water one way or another... :-X

How's my diving? Call 1-800-EAT-FISH

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