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Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
05-17-2004, 02:15 PM,
Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
The Third Annual Lake Minnetonka Association Clean-up Dive will be held on Saturday June 19th. Maynard's restaurant in Excelsior will again be the host site. The Lake Minnetonka Association in partnership with Crystal Pierz Marine is sponsoring this event. This year will bring a new twist as we are asking Dive shops and clubs to enter a team of divers in the event and compete for the Crystal Pierz traveling trophy for the team that removes the most trash from the lake. Maynard's will once again be providing a great lunch to the divers. Tee-shirts will be handed out and there will be numerous prizes awarded to both teams and individual divers. For more information contact Mike Mason of the Minnesota Frogmen and the Lake Minnetonka Association. Mike can be contacted at 952-472-7399 or at
05-19-2004, 04:02 PM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
For those of you who want to enter a team in the Lake Minnetonka dive clean-up, you can respond in this forum. We are hoping for over 100 divers at this event. In the past the weather has been great, the free lunch delicious and the prizes have been both numerous and nice!

There is no entry fee to this event. but we need to know numbers to plan lunch and the number of boat to provide.

Please sign-up! Individule and teams welcome.
05-19-2004, 07:48 PM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
Teams of how many?
05-21-2004, 06:49 AM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
Since we are trying to get as many divers involved as possible, the team category has no limit. If you want to sign up a team on 50 divers that is fine. Even if you are on a "team" that is competing for the trophy, you can still win prizes for individual stuff found. We are still trying to put categories together but they will be things like oldest, largest item, most unique. Since the whole event is supposed to be a good time and the object is to clean-up the lake, most of the judging will be subjective. We hope to have enough door prizes that everyone will go home with something!
05-25-2004, 11:21 AM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
When do you need a count of how many divers will be on a team?
05-25-2004, 11:32 AM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
I would like to have the count on all of the divers by no later then June 12th. We need the numbers for both boat and lunch planning. Here is a PDF document that is now going out to the dive shops.
05-25-2004, 11:34 AM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
It looked like the PDF document on the dive did not go through. If anyone wants a copy of this, you can e-mail me at I will respond and attach the file.
05-28-2004, 12:14 PM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
I'm in!
06-01-2004, 07:25 PM,
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
The sign-up form is now up and running on the Crystal Pierz Web site. Go to and sign-up. We are shooting for over 100 divers this year! Big Grin
06-10-2004, 05:50 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-10-2004, 10:15 AM by jasondbaker.)
Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!!
A little update and clarification: The divers should be at Maynard's in Excelsior at 8 am for the dive. Please sign-up on the Crystal Pierz web site at . We need to get a good count on the divers so that we can provide enough boats and drivers for the boats. We will also be providing a free lunch to all divers and volunteers.

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